Possible controlled delivery?


I received a rather sizable package from UPS Express today but something just seemed a little off to me. While I don't actually know any of the express drivers because I am usually not present, this driver asked for me to sign for the package. On top of that, the box wasn't sealed correctly and had a mild smell coming out of it.

I haven't opened the package yet and it's been about 4 and a half hours since the delivery. What do you guys think? Am I good or is the LEO waiting around the corner for me to open this thing?

Sorry for this as my first post as well. Figured you guys would know best though.


Active Member
dude if that box smells like weed, and you just signed for it, you're already fucked. signing for it is as good as saying "yes, this is my box of weed." If you know it not to be yours, you should never sign for anything.


Well-Known Member
dude if that box smells like weed, and you just signed for it, you're already fucked. signing for it is as good as saying "yes, this is my box of weed." If you know it not to be yours, you should never sign for anything.
Honestly, you're PROBABLY fine, but maybe fucked. WHen you say "wasn't sealed correctly" what exactly do you mean? Box hanging open? Tape cut and retaped? If the box just got roughed up you might be in luck, but I definitely don't like the sound of that stuff about a mild smell. If you DO get through this unscathed, you have some damn nice (or smelling-impaired) UPS people in your neck of the woods..


Well-Known Member
you already have it, open up...
Since you already signed for it, might as well. Technically, in the event of a sting, you MIGHT have some wiggle room if you sat on it anyway but I think they're just going to say you could have opened it anyway, especially if the package isn't sealed well already.

Might as well open it and get high--or relocate it if feasible...


New Member
They normally do have you sign off on something, could've use a name acting as a son/daughter.
If you're worried, just hide it somewhere and if they come say you have no idea what there talking about, somebody else had to have signed off for it, as if someone broke into your house and wen't through all this trouble...

Anyway, might as well get super baked incase any bullshit happens, I for one wouldn't wanna be sober...



I opened it and everything is fine. As far as the packaging goes, nothing was tampered with. Just usually doesn't have any smell coming out of it when it arrives.

Thanks for the advice. lol


Well-Known Member
Lucky. A friend of a friend once was mailing items, Post office "smelt" it, told cops, cops opened. REPLACED the items with a look-a-like "green fluff" ( i never got to see thankfully) and sent the package as usual with an alarm inside the package so that once it gets opened it goes off. LEO were waiting outside residence and got a search warrant/executed raid. Terrible luck or a snitch? But mailing is sketchy.


Lucky. A friend of a friend once was mailing items, Post office "smelt" it, told cops, cops opened. REPLACED the items with a look-a-like "green fluff" ( i never got to see thankfully) and sent the package as usual with an alarm inside the package so that once it gets opened it goes off. LEO were waiting outside residence and got a search warrant/executed raid. Terrible luck or a snitch? But mailing is sketchy.
See that's EXACTLY what I was afraid of.. I wonder if I get one of those bug detectors that detect RF waves and shit if that would detect that before opening..