Possible Germination failure


Active Member
I've got some seeds I've been trying to germinate, I'm almost a week and so far I've got nothing. There are about 40 seeds in total, I've tried germinating them all a little differently but so far I've seen no results.
My first batch I folded up into a light cloth towel and placed it over an ice tray for the water to drain off. I tried to keep the towel moist most of the time, I think it had dried out a couple times.
Another set of seeds I've been keeping folded up in a damp wash cloth. my most recent batch, about 2 days old I've been keeping in paper coffee filters.
So far I've seen no root sprout from any of the seeds. What I have seen is many of the seeds splitting open with a white starchy substance kind of puffing out. What is the meaning of all of this?


Well-Known Member
not wet enough. put paper towels on saucer ,saturate them under tap, put seeds on top, 2 more paper towels on top and saturate them too. now keep these pt very wet (dont let it dry out ),until seed cracks, then place into medium.Also make sure room temp is 75 deg +


Well-Known Member
well there are many things that can make fail germination
1.old seeds
2.cracked seeds no good
so far i used the dumping seeds in a shot glass cover that was a no go

then i did the fold the towle then damp paper towl then place seeds then i use a wash cloth to have the paper towl in so it stays warm
had the root out the seed now my baby is under a t5 doing nice


New Member
Wet a paper towel and squeeze the extra water out and put it on a plate and cover with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out and put it on something warm but don't cook them. Wait a few days and check, if nothing has popped you probably have bad seeds. Another thing people claim helps is putting seeds into a glass of water over night before you put them in the paper towel or where you want.


Active Member
So far this is good stuff and I'm going to try your suggestions, but I was hoping if someone could tell me if my seeds were fucked and if I need to try again. To be clear, seeds are starting to split open, with puffy white stuff but nothing resembling a root. Do I need to give this more time or go ahead and try to germinate more seeds?


Well-Known Member
just stick your seeds in a cup of water..they will crack in a few days..that will give you a better idea of which ones a bad/good...

newb weed grower

Active Member
i tried the putting in a glass of water idea and i got faster results from just a wet papertowel but
different seeds pop at differnt times i suppose so i wont really know for certain


Active Member
So far this is good stuff and I'm going to try your suggestions, but I was hoping if someone could tell me if my seeds were fucked and if I need to try again. To be clear, seeds are starting to split open, with puffy white stuff but nothing resembling a root. Do I need to give this more time or go ahead and try to germinate more seeds?
That white puffy stuff is the start of the root... wait til it gets about 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, and than transplant to whatever medium. Have you done no research???

Japanfreak... who said anything about fungus???


New Member
Nobody said anything about fungus, I'm just guessing that something isn't right because once they pop it should be quick, so if they aren't maybe the white stuff isn't roots.


Well-Known Member
That white puffy stuff is the start of the root... wait til it gets about 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inches, and than transplant to whatever medium. Have you done no research???

Japanfreak... who said anything about fungus???
I would recommend on putting some seeds in a shot glass filled with water, let those sit in a dark warm place for 24 hours and if they all dont sink try to push them alittle to see if they will sink, if not they are probably not good seeds. Now the key is humidity and heat. you need some sort of heat supply to germinate your seeds. I would say at least around 98F. Also after you spray your papertowel zip it up in a zip lock sandwhich bag cause that will give it humidity if in a warm place. I use my water heater room and the top of the water heater is always warm. After about a day or two your seed should crack with a root sticking out the shell. I never had a seed take longer than 4 days to crack. If you use rockwool or jiffy pots or straight soil to place seed in after its ready for the medium just make sure you keep it warm. You might want to invest in a heating pad or mat from walmart or CVS. Moisture/Heat and Humidity stimulates the harmones inside the seed to start to grow.
I find it much easier to germinate in the summer than winter cause its alot warmer! So it could be too cold where your germinating your seeds.
I dont have a 100% germination or even 95%, I know there are people who claim they have 100 and 99.99999% germination but I think thats bull cause not every single seed you touch is going to be a good healthy seed. I tried about 5 different ways to germinate and Rockwool works best for me but its all about personal preference and what works for you. Hope I could help ya.




Well-Known Member
So far this is good stuff and I'm going to try your suggestions, but I was hoping if someone could tell me if my seeds were fucked and if I need to try again. To be clear, seeds are starting to split open, with puffy white stuff but nothing resembling a root. Do I need to give this more time or go ahead and try to germinate more seeds?
thats a diff story, yes seeds are fucked old etc.


simplicity is key:

take 1 paper towel or napkin
fold it. spray it with water untill its moist but cannot drip if u hold it up but will drip if u squeeze it

place it in a plastic bag and put it on your cable box or hot water heater.NEVER CLOSE THE BAG COMPLETLY ALWAYS LEAVE ROOM FOR AIR
i lost 4 seeds that way.

come back every12-24 hours and when you see that little root you can plant it.

make sure you do not underwater or overwater your plant. i am still learning about watering.

in 4-10 days you will have a sprout forsure!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1364540
6 days after seeds were planted in Fox Farm Ocean Forest... covered with plastic wrap for 24 hours... and I had 4 sprouts... Best of luck, whichever way you decide to grow.

Hobo cant go wrong with all the different techniques that everyone posted here. :leaf:Nice sprouts:leaf: Are you going to enter the Party Cup Contest? Its not too late as long as your done with it prior to 4/20..April 20th. I just germinated some seeds Jan 1st so I am behind alittle but it will be a ton of fun!!!!




Active Member
OMG there is a party cup contest??? I started these the 29th or 30th of Dec... Thank you btw... I want to be in a contest... I just got some white widow seeds im about to get started


Well-Known Member
why 40 seeds, that is a LOT to start, anyway if you are planting in soil, plop those ones that have split and are showing the tinest of white or ooze? I think you called it (root), right into your soil, cover not even 1/2 inch under the soil, & I bet you will have a sprouted seedling in 3 days, 5 tops!