Possible heat stress


Well-Known Member
Hello, This is my second grow ever, first was indoor this one is outdoors. Everything is going perfect so far except orange spots on my plants. (new and old leaves) 3 out of 4 plants are experiencing this kind of damage very mildly and am not really worried, the fourth plant looks extremely unhealthy and as time progresses it gets worse. here are some pics. 20160615_160315.jpg 20160620_141023.jpg 20160620_141028.jpg as you can see one of them is in terrible condition. I have been watering regularly with neutral water no nutes. The fourth plant was a male so i cut that fucker down, but anyways, I am thinking this is heat stress because it is very hot where i live 25-35 degrees with constant sun and minimal humidity and ventilation. i put a plastic bag in front of it not over it to block some of the sun to see if that would help any. If anyone has any kind of advice to give me would be great. THANKS!
Not heat stress, that would be seen be leaf edges curling upward. Outdoors, mj tolerates very high temps just fine if adequately watered. I think you have a bug issue, possibly microscopic.