possible K deficient or Magnesium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Possibly? I'm assuming under watering can also cause this?
first 2 pics are same plant. 2nd plant also showing earlier symptoms of first plant. I think I'm not watering frequent enough...
both are over 60 days in veg. 76° and 60% rh... 24/0 around 24 inches at 75% of 470WPXL_20220413_171046174.jpgPXL_20220413_170544439.jpgPXL_20220413_171049796.jpg
I've been watering lightly with Epsom recently also.... ill keep at it and see how much worse it becomes.
I did notice a bit of purple in the stems, but wasnt sure if that was relevant...
I've tried giving less N the last 2 top dresses. I dont know how much lower I can go.
would the occasional added EWC 2-0-0 be enough to have excess N, maybe?

Everything is slower in organic or if you're topdressing, doesn't it? So bioavailability may be in weeks rather than the days with standard grows or house with hydro stuff.
What's your water like? Well or city? Do you know the ppm? Do you have Ca deposits on faucets and stuff? Are you adding anything else? Just like to take care of the basics first.
city water, not too hard. mineral deposits take a while to build up. i haven't checked ppm of my tap. ill do that later today.
i havent added anything other than Epsom with a few waterings recently.
that small cola you can see at the bottom of one pic is burnt to a crisp

thanks for noticing. lol
that crispy cola is from an auto thats in with them. its only got days left. that leaf damage occurred about a month ago on that one.
It is possible I'll have to go easier on the fertilizer going forward.
I'll go against the grain and say lightburn from 24hour light constantly and or zinc def, also possibly from constant light stress

magnesium is mobile and should be from bottom up .

you using LED?