Possible pest identification


Active Member
I found a cluster of some sort of mite under only 1 of my leaves. I'm almost ready to pull that's why the leaf is yellow. They were all dead but I was curious if they had been causing harm to my plants? Im guessing they're predatory but I really have no idea. Theres no webs or leaf damage. Any input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Looks like aphids xD go spray your plant off really good with plain water daily and you might be able to get rid of them like that if they aren't infested too bad. I got rid of my bug problem in a few days doing that. I used a heavy duty spray bottle and concentrated on each leaf to make sure I got em


Active Member
Could be spider mites as well, same treatment as recommended already. Mites in general like hot places, add more wind onto your plants from the soil on up. A stiff breeze is very beneficial.