Possible potassium excesss


I was feeding about 25ml of terpinator along with 1tsp of floranova and about 3-5ml of cal mag per gallon every watering filtered water mind you. somewhere around 800-1200 ppm. two plants in 7 gallon pots and I water about 2 gallons each every other day. usually keep a ph of 5.7 to 6.1. my plants are under a 630w cmh light about 1.5 ft away from the tallest cola. I've been getting awful yields. barely hitting 50gs. makes no sense to me. This is about week 4. already starting to show signs that something is going wrong.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
You look like you have been drifting your ph as well as over feeding
As for as Terpinator it is like feeding your plant pine-sol (hard pass)