Possible way to solve bugs

So the past few days i noticed that i have bugs. The grey ones that turn into balls, gnats, and something else that i am not sure of.

At first i though Neem oil. but i dont know where to get that stuff and i would rather improvise something i know that works.

Fly traps. Those sticky strips that have killed flies for decades. I am think this might be good for the gnats.

SOMETHING STICKY. *please note* i use A 4x2x2 grow box and am not worried about clean up.

Use something sticky and spread it over the whole floor. (with just my bucket of water i was using in attempt to raise humidity i noticed i had several dead bugs). Why not line the floor with something sticky, not anything with sugar because were not trying to make the problem worse. i was thinking Petroleum of any sort or some kind of sticky past. Basically if your box is like mine you line the floor and just remove everything every 3-4 months to clean up the massacre reapply and your good to go.

Give me some opinions on my idea, as i think that that this could be a cheap way to take care of most pest problems.


Well-Known Member
for gnats i use neem oil, i water the plant with it cuz the flying knats lay eggs in the soil and the larva eat the roots possibly killing the plant, the flying bugs dont harm the plant but they do lay the eggs, so get a few stickie traps for the fliers, water with neem oil and then add 1 inch off gardenig sand on top of ur soil to help suffercate the eggs, also u get them when ur soil is always moist let the plant drie up a bit it also helps


Active Member
Since some of the most damaging pests will be happy to never leave your plant(spider mites, thrips), I don't feel this will be 100% effective. Certainly could trap some gnats that way, but sounds like you have more than that going on.


Active Member
let soil dry up a little bit constant moist soil usually cause this prob to increase,good luck man.


Well-Known Member
The little gray ones that curl up into balls are isopods. Growing up we called them pill bugs. They acually have gills and are a moisture loving insect.

The solution you may be interested in is coffee. Im sure you all have heard about coffee grinds being great for gardens. Well do you know why? Its not that it has a lot of great nutes. The caffine does not make the plants grow faster. Actaully the caffine kills bug larvae.

Water your plants with some leftover coffee and use the grounds if you grow in soil.

Give that a shot. Its cheap, easy to obtain, and is not poisonous to you or your plants.