Posting pics, IG and legal issues

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.

As for anybody in a red state context: what precautions do you do or think a pertinent when posting pics of your grow? Especially for social media.
Lets say we wanted to be extra careful and paranoid...

I know about removing metadata from your pics done on your phone but im also told that even if you remove it theres still going to be some trace from your phone in the pics.

Is there a reliable solution? Other than using an actual camera with no gps or phone connection?

Is there a camera app which cant record meta data?

What about phone in airplane mode?

Im basicly trying to convince myself and a paranoid partner.
If you scrub the exif info, I'm not sure what's leftover to "trace" back to anyone.

Your local authorities or the feds aren't looking at small time growers and their pictures online. They simply don't care these days, and there's far too many people growing out there for them to keep track of.

I mean if you were running some giant grow-op, and selling illegally, and someone ratted you out, etc. then sure, you might want to worry about all the evidence you're leaving out there. But small timers/personal growers, yeah no one is watching you.
If you scrub the exif info, I'm not sure what's leftover to "trace" back to anyone.

Your local authorities or the feds aren't looking at small time growers and their pictures online. They simply don't care these days, and there's far too many people growing out there for them to keep track of.

I mean if you were running some giant grow-op, and selling illegally, and someone ratted you out, etc. then sure, you might want to worry about all the evidence you're leaving out there. But small timers/personal growers, yeah no one is watching you.
That said, set up your account with a random email account and do not tie it to any of your other accounts. If there are any connections whatsoever, your friends will start to see your account in their recommended feed. I keep weed stuff on here with location turned off on my camera. Social media stuff is for socializing (and memes lol)
Hi everybody.

As for anybody in a red state context: what precautions do you do or think a pertinent when posting pics of your grow? Especially for social media.
Lets say we wanted to be extra careful and paranoid...

I know about removing metadata from your pics done on your phone but im also told that even if you remove it theres still going to be some trace from your phone in the pics.

Is there a reliable solution? Other than using an actual camera with no gps or phone connection?

Is there a camera app which cant record meta data?

What about phone in airplane mode?

Im basicly trying to convince myself and a paranoid partner.
It is commercially possible to remove the EXIF data contained in a jpg file taken by a phone, but if the DEA or any other LEO organization really wants to get the location of a pic taken with a smartphone, my guess is they're going to be successful. Same for determined Internet bit twister. For that very reason, I used a Nikon 4300 from 2002 for the pics on my website... can't get info a file doesn't contain. :-)

But just for posting on social media like IG, going into your phone settings and removing the GPS data will probably be enough. Now if you're _selling_ quantities of illegal substances, all bets are obviously going to be off. They'll use whatever they can to get you and not even have to justify it in a court of law.

Too long a story and don't want to post another wall of words, but I recently verified an OG poster from Usenet on another cannabis forum by scoping out the gps data on a pic he posted, because I knew what state he was from. Was very surprised that he posted that, given the high security background that we both came from back in the day. But like me, he's gotten old in the last 30 years.

Even I'm not as paranoid as I used to be. I don't feel the need to use the term "Fugitive From Injustice" anymore, even though I'm in a highly Prohibition state. As long as you don't beat your wife and get the cops called on you, you'll be okay.
Once EXIF data is stripped, whether taken with a phone or a DSLR, there's no way to determine the origin or location of a digital image.

In linux, it's as simple as exiftool -all= filename.jpg

The only thing left is the raw jpg data.
get a vpn.
I suppose that could be an option, though I don't know exactly what a VPN is. I know of a legal case, I think it was in Germany, where the VPN provider had to cough up all personal information of their client.

You don't know a way to create an email address via TOR so I can log in here at Rollitup anonymously?
I suppose that could be an option, though I don't know exactly what a VPN is. I know of a legal case, I think it was in Germany, where the VPN provider had to cough up all personal information of their client.

You don't know a way to create an email address via TOR so I can log in here at Rollitup anonymously?
@Hollatchaboy was right VPN is the safer solution. I use VyprVPN. They do not keep logs.
torrentfreak is a news website there pretty good on reporting on when vpn companies fuck up like accidentally leaking ips. i personally prefer private internet access i've seen them pull there servers out of entire countries due to unfavorable laws. exif data in your images is pretty simple if your using an iphone just make sure gps is turned off in the settings for the camera app. honestly its likely not going to be caused by the internet if you get pinched it'll likely be caused by talking, dont tell anybody about your grow if your not legal. plain and simple. make sure you cant smell your grow from outside during harvest time for example where you gas meter or hydro meter are located. if your still running hps make sure the ballasts are properly shielded and not causing rf interference with you and your neighbors internet / cable tv (the rf one happened to me once this is one you often miss) then the cable company shows up to turn off the internet because they've detected rf interference coming from your house. when you go to the store to buy supplies dont go to the sketchy hydro store downtown that shit is heat. go to your local garden or hardware store and always have a reasonable back story and shop during the proper season dont be buying half a dozen bales of media in December.