Posting Pics?

I would like to post pics but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it, seems like a foolish risk, although I'm dying to get feedback on how I am doing. When you post pics, do you remove info from them? I only have my phone to take pictures, Black Berry Storm, doesn't it record GPS data and other info or am I thinking of something else?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, make sure you disable that geotagging on your blackberry. when you go to your camera go to options and find where it says "geotagging" make sure it's disabled. If not someone can get exact gps cordinates of where the pic was taken. I don't worry too much about posting pics. just make sure you don't post anything that is easy to identify as you, like faces or license plates or anything real unique in your house.
Ok awesome, thanks, glad I didn't say fuck it n post yet. Does a regular digital camera do the same?

Ahaha, Kenny Powers, You're Fuckin Out :o
Ah, sweet, good read, I'll try that program that removes the info.

I tried irfanview but I couldn't find where it showed the GPS coordinates