pot brownies


Well-Known Member
how much pot do u put in pot brownies. i am using mids like one bowl you are high. do you think a 1/4 oz is good or should i do 1/2 oz.


Active Member
I used microwaveable brownies once. I was using some high quality cali shit and i just crunched it into the mix! haha
I got so fucked up! I put about 2 grams in. but it was a 6" diameter bowl of brownies.


its not really the correct way to make weed food but i guess if it gets you high it gets you high


Active Member
I remember a buddy of mine in high school tricked me into eating one of these. I got pretty wrecked lol.


Well-Known Member
you should head over to the cooking section. some cooking pro's there.

i made some weed brownies and took them the pub and handed them out (i know most of the ppl in there) and they got great response. :D:D


Well-Known Member
How many brownies are you thinking of making? One? Two? I made a batch of 12 and went through an ounce and a half of Bud and trim. If you're just making a few though you should be straight with 1/4-1/2 oz.