Pot Bust - $ 22700 per pound.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Do you think someone is trying to justify their jobs?
How in the world can the authorities spit out these numbers and keep a straight face?

Nuiqsut woman accused of smuggling liquor, pot

Posted by thevillage
Posted: April 23, 2010 - 11:37 am

The Arctic Sounder reports on a 23-year-old Nuiqsut woman accused of smuggling a few bottles of R&R and 3.87 ounces of pot this month.
(Troopers made a much bigger pot seizure on a man headed for Bethel on Wednesday. See the bottom of this post.)
Here's the Associated Press account of the Nuiqsut arrest:
BARROW — North Slope Borough authorities say officers caught a 23-year-old woman trying to import alcohol and marijuana into the village of Nuiqsut.
According to a borough press release, officers in Prudhoe Bay received a report of a vehicle trying to enter the village with suspicious package under the spare tire. The borough says Laura Skin consented to a search of the vehicle and an officer found alcohol with an estimated street value of $1,100 and marijuana with a street value of $5,480.
Nuiqsut voters banned the importation and sale of alcohol more than 25 years ago.
Charges of importation of alcoholic beverages into a local option area and misconduct involving a controlled substance have been forwarded to the district attorney's office.
And a report from troopers on seizure of 4.4 pounds of marijuana found on a man trying to fly from Anchorage to Bethel on Wednesday:
On (Wednesday) WAANT Investigators were at the Anchorage
International Airport and observed a 26-year-old male check a single bag at the ERA counter. Investigation determined the bag and the male were destined for Bethel.

Further investigation resulted in the seizure of the bag and the acquisition of a search warrant directing a search of the bag. The bag was found to contain approximately 4.4 pounds of packaged marijuana with a street value of over $100,000 in the Bethel area. Investigation into this incident is continuing.
Note that no one was arrested in this case, as of Wednesday


Global Moderator
Staff member
No matter what the black market price is, there is no way that "a few" bottles of rotgut R&R are worth $1100.


Well-Known Member
if you guys had any idea that Nuiqsut was in alaska and is basically a dry place smuggling weed and liquor into the town is really big bussiness. not everywhere is a easy place to try to get stuff like cali so its all together possible people pay that much.


Global Moderator
Staff member
if you guys had any idea that Nuiqsut was in alaska and is basically a dry place smuggling weed and liquor into the town is really big bussiness. not everywhere is a easy place to try to get stuff like cali so its all together possible people pay that much.
No, not really. I've been to numerous remote dry villages in coastal Alaska & a fifth of cheap whisky might go for $150 or so tops, but a few bottles is by definition three so that makes it about $370 per bottle.
In dire straits a really rich drunk might pay that, but not on a regular basis.
But $100,000 for 4.4 lbs of weed???
Bull Shit Law enforcement inflation.


Well-Known Member
yea on my reservation those damn kids were trying to charge 15$ fir a pinner of reg it was outrageous but then again its like 100 miles from anywhere


Dude you're tripping. Some of those natives just have stacks of cash sitting in their house collecting dust. They get those checks from the native corp's and dont have any banks in their vil so they cash them on their yearly trip to the "city". Fuck you should see what they pay for coke...


I'm not gonna say where I live but prices here are:

$20 for a chronic joint!
$700-$1,100 dank zip
$11,200-$17,000 a lb dank bud
$74,800 for 4.4lbs tops could probably work out something

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna say where I live but prices here are:

$20 for a chronic joint!
$700-$1,100 dank zip
$11,200-$17,000 a lb dank bud
$74,800 for 4.4lbs tops could probably work out something
if your not growing to sell your insane


Well-Known Member
You cant be the supply and the dealer in a place like that. Your in the middle of nowhere, and theres all of 30 peopl. For it to work someone has to know the deal, which in turn means everyone knows the deal. That's about equivalent to putting a neon sign on your garden.


Well-Known Member
Shit when I lived in Ducth Harbor an 1/8 of good weed cost 100 bucks but back on mainland it would cost 40 for an 1/8th. My friend once bought a gram of coke for 100. Shit get expensive once you get to those remote villages for two reasons

1) people will pay it
2) A plane ticket from San Dieg, CA to anchorage is about 7-800 round trip. From anchorage to Dutch Harbor is another grand. Bush pilots are more like Bush Pirates they charge an arm and a leg for their services.


Well-Known Member
Any other area that price would be absurd, but those dry native communities have INSANE prices.. A mickey of liquor can go for $250, and a joint can be worth $100..
By extension of the alcohol ban, grain/sugar is nearly impossible to get in large quantities, with sugar pushing $50/lb in some cases..


Global Moderator
Staff member
This quote from todays Anchorage Daily News.
Three of the interceptions involved marijuana, including a package containing 3 1/2 pounds of pot mailed to a Barrow woman from San Jose, Calif., under a fictitious name. Authorities estimate the street value of the pot at nearly $24,000."

Read more: http://www.adn.com/2010/05/19/1285837/alaska-authorities-target-mailed.html#ixzz0oUmTQYWP

A more reasonable estimate on pot's "village" value.
