Pot City on A&E?>?


Active Member
So just running it by everyone, i saw a preview for like... Pot City USA or something like that...

... it's a show that's going to be on A&E (i think...) on monday.

I'm gonna record this $Hi^. It's always interesting to watch shows on marijuana, because it's such a strictly controlled view on what's good and bad that goes into television, you never know what's going to happen.

It looks like this show is going to be against marijuana :evil:; lot's of 'ruining this American town' and robbery B.S. is being tied into it.

Just spreading the good herb (word) :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Pot is bad, everything everyones parents ever said about the Lethal Narcotic Marijuana is true.

Don't do drugs kids. It's the law.


Well-Known Member
Pot is bad, everything everyones parents ever said about the Lethal Narcotic Marijuana is true.

Don't do drugs kids. It's the law.
pot is the best thing on this planet lol and yea ive been seeing the commercial for that stupid shit gonna watch it and prolly yell at the tv


Yeah I have a post-it note here on my desk as a reminder to watch that show on Monday. lol

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Lethal narcotics are not pot believe me.Ive been on everything from Methadone to oxycontin and weeds not lethal.All kids are going to try pot once in thier life,most dont like it and grow the fuck up


Well-Known Member
Lethal narcotics are not pot believe me.Ive been on everything from Methadone to oxycontin and weeds not lethal.All kids are going to try pot once in thier life,most dont like it and grow the fuck up
Pot is the worst thing to hit America since slavery.
Havn't you seen the surmounting evidence to support this obvious fact?

Also, the earth is flat.


Well-Known Member
yea i saw the commercial that pot is taking over cities laughed hard and then was disqusted that they are selling this shit to the public


Well-Known Member
feels like it's a stupidly shitty world we live in sometimes, it makes me more depressed than anything else really.
I had someone tell me today they thought smoking weed induced hallucinogenic effects. Just calmly explained the great wonders and misconceptions of
marijuana to him. Left with a feeling of depression afterwards. It's not that people are dumb exactly, it's just laziness and ignorance. No interest, and no desire to
promote knowledge within themselves on things outside of there immediate lives. People are content with doing the simpler things they do, knowing the things they know, being the things they are, and continue on with it the rest of there lives. Potheads and non-potheads alike, this is a characteristic of most individuals I've come across.

The problem is a simple lack of interest in greater knowledge and learning. And thus the sheep were herded by the Sheppard's who posessed the ability to herd and the insight to know they could. What else can you do but be depressed? The fellow I talked to today didn't come to those conclusions on his own, it was word of mouth, word of mouth and then word of mouth some more, it originated from a source, and THAT source is what disgusts me.


Well-Known Member

whats worse then a guy on a WEED fourm talkin down weed......a scott hahahaha

now who here wants to hear a story about a bridge.