I recently checked my ONE WEEK OLD plants and accidentally tipped one of the pots over trying to adjust something on this table i have them on. the pot fell on its side and a lot of soil fell out. the plant remained in the pot and didn’t fall out. i quickly picked the plant back up and put more soil into the pot. the thing is, i’m not sure if any roots could’ve gotten exposed or if any got damaged. The plant didn’t snap or bend drastically so maybe it’s fine? I submitted a picture so y’all can have a better judgment but i just want some assurance,, maybe ))): ; I also wanted to know if my plant is getting to long for the first week? And i wanted to know if it’s a healthy plant. (i have the soil moist, humidity at 65-70%, temp at 60-70, and i have a 60 watt CFL light at about 3”-4” away from the plant.)