
Well-Known Member
So, I found an interesting plant at home depot.

It caught my eye because of the "pot-like" leaves.

I have had it for some time now. but i still am unable to tell what the name of the plant is.



Well-Known Member
What you got is a sub species Rhapis excelsa, called false arealia, its a type of lady palm from japan they get about 3-5 feet high and bushy. Good lookin plant when they get big and yea tell people its a Purpleberry Kush, super rare strain you dont know about cause i just made it up lol.


Well-Known Member
wow nice, I didn't think any one could find that. now i can find out how to properly grow this bastard. haha. It started out as a stick with 2 fan leaves sticking out of the top. its about a 1.5 ft tall right now.


Well-Known Member
Its nice when you get a plant sorted out... I got a chinese tomato in december with two leaves on, as a housewarming gift.
pretty soon the leaves started to wither and proceeded to fall off... I had to try a number of spots in the same room, unti lI found just the right amount of light for it... now it has 5 leaves...


New Member
I have a split leaf Philodendren that only had 1 leaf when I bought it on clearance for $5. In the last 10 years it grew into quite a monster. A few months ago, I cut it up and turned it into 2 plants. (My friend has always wanted a start, but I'm going to surprise her with a full plant, already rooted ready to grow).

For me half the fun is bringing them back to life after the garden center has nearly killed them.


Well-Known Member
hehe, yeah. That plant when I found it like I said was just a stick with leaves. I was amazed at how fast it grew though. It's already a small tree.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
while all your reg plant attention is here. I just started a veg and herb garden

I am using my old botanicare 3x3 filled with dirt. Organic soil all the way. Think it will work as a planting bed?

I know all the raised bed articles say at leat a foot. But with all that space do think a few tomatoes some chamomile soe lettuce and some basil will grow ok?

or shold I break down and go buy some plywood and make a deeper box.

this is for my apt balcony. thanks in advance, just saw all the great minds here thought I would ask.


New Member
Plant the tomatoes and basil together. They are companion plants. Tomatoes will most likely need more root space.

Growing chamomile of any type is considered a tonic for anything you grow in the garden.

Lettuce should grow fine too. This year I'm doing veggie pot instead of flower pots. I'm going to put leaf lettuce, maybe some basil, stuff like that in them. I think they'll be cute as well a useful.If you are growing iceberg head lettuce, only grow it in spring and fall, hot weather makes it bolt (send up a flower stalk).

Baby carrots can grow in a 12 " depth and strawberries only need 6" of root space.

When you get your stuff started you should post pics at this thread..... https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/169421-slik-friends-growin-some-veggies-12.html it's some of us this year bragging on our veggies.