Pot size


Active Member
In regards to transplanting, I start my seeds in a 16 oz. plastic cup, then transplant up to a one gallon. My last grow I then went to a 3 gallon pot. I was wondering if I can go from a 1 gallon pot to a five gallon pot or is that too big of a jump?
Jah Bless!:peace:


Active Member
Pupose of 5 gallon pots as opposed to 3 gallon pots? Simple! More roots mon, more bud mon!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
all this bud hear grow in 1 gal pots so you can grow prity big still? but im going to give 3-5 gal pots a go as every one on rollitup keeps teling me to?
by the way i didnot grow this it was a mate ov mine, cockeye,,,,:peace:



Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha lol i nerly fell off my seat,,,,,,,,thats why i need 5 gal pots?,,lol but how do i get 10 ov them in my flat? lol


Well-Known Member
i found plants are a lot like goldfish. they will grow to the size of their home. if i transplanted it to a 10 gallon today it would take off. i water everyday, big pots would change this. i try to keep the pot size big enough that i only have to water every couple days. at this point though i want to keep it smaller so i will just water everyday.


Well-Known Member
So how much yield do you think a plant like that would produce at flower beginning today ?


Well-Known Member
I like this thread I was wonder weather to keep them in my 3 gal pots or transplant to 5 gal in couple weeks. I will see how much they are drinking the next few waterings. so far my 3 girls drink 2 gallons every 2 to 3 days. if thewy get bound and I need to water everyday I will put them in a bigger pot


Well-Known Member
I like this thread I was wonder weather to keep them in my 3 gal pots or transplant to 5 gal in couple weeks. I will see how much they are drinking the next few waterings. so far my 3 girls drink 2 gallons every 2 to 3 days. if thewy get bound and I need to water everyday I will put them in a bigger pot

i don't think i've ever had one bound. but like i said, once i re-pot they do take off.

as far as yield? i have no idea. 1/4lb?


Well-Known Member
I found five gallon pots to be quite expensive so i went to the local builders merchants and got five 6 gallon buckets and drilled loads of holes in the bottom and i still had change from a fiver:mrgreen:

cheers Bifter:joint:


Well-Known Member
oh , you could have just said for growing outdoors. Of course at that point you could just plant it in the ground , that would be a bigger pot, no pun intended. VV


Well-Known Member
its like FDD said the bigger the pot u transplant it will take off and fit to the size of that pot. ive gone in this order with a buddy of mine in his backyard.

16 oz > 1 gallon > 3 > 5 >10 then we planted it in the ground. we let it go. harvsted it came to around half a pound of pure white russian. it took forver but worth it.