
Active Member
I've been told this is a potassium deficiency? At first I thought it was thrip damage, but then someone told me that potassium has a weird way of showing defecencies... I'm going to be feeding my plants tomorrow, top dressing with some bio live from down to earth and then a week from now I plan on using a compost tea so hopefully that'll boost the soil life so the plant stays healthy but i figure I'd come to the good ole rollitup page to get everyone's opinion on what it could be... the advice is much appreciated, I've only been growing for a year and a half so I'll def be on this page alot this year when I have a issue that is...


The fact that it's in the top growth makes me think it's a calcium deficiency. Potassium deficiency starts at the tips and the edges and looks like a brown or red burn. A lack of calcium weakens plant tissue and leaves it more susceptible to heat stress which is why it affects the leaves that are closer to the light source. I've had a similar issue in the past when using RO water without a calcium/magnesium supplement. I'm speaking strictly out of experience, so please wait until you hear from the others before you take my advice. Either way, please update us when you find a solution.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Calcium deficiencies show themselves on the middle can leaves and cause dark dead rust spots.

That is simply bug damage. Either eaten now or when it was a younger leaf so when it grew out it enlarged the damage.

K deficiency is interveinal chlorosis on low leaves followed by burnt edges of said leaf.
Calcium deficiencies show themselves on the middle can leaves and cause dark dead rust spots.

That is simply bug damage. Either eaten now or when it was a younger leaf so when it grew out it enlarged the damage.

K deficiency is interveinal chlorosis on low leaves followed by burnt edges of said leaf.
That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!