Potency Question

So I have this plant that was pretty effin' stressed and is FINALLY reaching the last few weeks of flowering. I have noticed that the buds lack any real scent. There's virtually no odor. Now, if I rub the leaves and smell them it is whack strong.

So, the question is this....if there is no smell on the bud is there a chance the potency might suck, if there even is any?


Well-Known Member
THC doesn't have it's own smell, therefore you can't smell potency. I have had some weed that smelled kick ass and had zero buzz and vice versa.


Active Member
Yea bud dont wory but try not to rub ur leaves that are closer or growing outwards away from the bud. The reason it smells is from the tricomes. When u rub the leaf it breaks the tricomes and releases all the resins and it can smell quite nice but the idea is to smoke it rether then smell it so b gentle :)