Pots knocked over

Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice I've looked everywhere and read everything I can find but nothing really gives me a proper answer.

Just over 2 weeks ago I planted 4 g13 Pineapple Express seeds in my green house In a mix of organic potting mix, coco rough, perlite, blood and bone and lime without germinating them just straight in the ground. About a week after planting them my dog got in and knocked 2 of them over. I picked my way through the potting mix on the ground and found the 2 seeds and they had sprouted so I replanted them in the pot it's been a week and they haven't surfaced the other 2 have surfaced and are looking really healthy. So I'm just wondering do I give up with the other 2 or am I just being impatient?
Yeah I thought so I've brought them inside and put them under a lamp I'm going to leave them over night if still nothing ill get rid of them