

Active Member
I'm five weeks in on my first grow. 4 plants about 7" tall. What size pots should I be using. People refer to these by gallons but that doesn't help. I need to know what diameter they should be. I'm using 5" dia. at the moment and plants are beginning to droop. Help!!!!


New Member
11 inch pots are 1 gallon That would be my next size up if I was growing in a small space but if I had the room a five gallon bucket with holes in the bottom will finish the rest of the grow with out having to transplant again.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If 5 gallons are too big get 3 gallon pots which will be fine to finish in also.Keep plants at about 3-4 feet they cost about 60 cents at most hydro places or nurseries.Yeah the ones you got now are good for maybe 2 weeks of growth