“ SHOCK “ is a subjective term ..... a healthy plant will recover as it becomes acclimated to new space and medium. Nothing different than up potting any plant.
As growers go .... a million ways to skin a cat. Autos can and often do fine from seed to final pot.
But average pot sizes range from 1/3/5/7 gallon. However the biggest autos are from hydro , DWC , Dutch buckets , Sip ......... as roots are not defined by medium.
Yes , plants don’t like to be fussed with .... autos are no exceptions. But you can do fine by transplanting autos like a plug. Whether rooted in a rock cube , rooter , solo or whatever. I prep container by pressing an empty solo to make hole .... sprinkle root hormone in it and transplant , then water . No magic involved. Even a simple watering of diluted simple sugar water ( molasses ) or kelp works fantastic.
I stopped using 5 gallon smart pots as tap would penetrate the base. Airpots eliminated this and has worked well , as did regular containers and grow bags. For me the choice was using a highly aerated mix . Whether mixing a blend of 50/50 EB Stone / FFOF with a scoop of HF fruit and Veg dry fertilizer then water diet only ( 6.4 ). Or a layer of hydroton at base then top fill with soil.
Autos are only restricted by their “short veg stage “ ..... impede that and your yield will reflect it.
They are plug and play ..... stupid simple . Sow seed .... reap harvest.