Powder mildew on base of stem!


Active Member
Had a very small run in about a month back of powder mildew. After watering my plants today i pulled them each out to spend some time and look at. Noticed this one has it at the base pretty bad from the looks. Should I just be tossing it as not to contaminate the others? Tried the milk/water spray and that worked on the few leaves i had bothered but just noticed this.

Any other suggestions out there. Trying to figure out another lighting situation to get this one away from the rest. I did wipe down with a wet towel, sprayed down pretty heavy with armor si away from the rest.
Powdery mildew can be tough. The spores are present. Isolate or destroy the plant. Don't work on it near the others. If it was on the leaves you could carefully remove them but it's not.

Also, you need to take preventative measures on the rest of the crop. Simple water and hydrogen peroxide in a hand sprayer can prevent the spread.

I've found that mildew is strain specific too. I had powdery this year for the first time in half a decade outside. It just so happened that this was the first year I grew a purple from a new breeder. I always grow Bodhi.

The purple got hit and not a single detectable mark on any of the Bodhi strains. Part of me thinks the danker, darker strains seem to be more prone anyhow.

At any rate it's likely to persist, you'll really have to stay on top of it. Let us know how it turns out.
I also got powdery mildew on a bed of flowers I grew, at the end of fall. I used the opportunity to test out a copper spray and a few other fungicides. I wanted to see what worked, what didn't for future use.

I found the copper soap spray can really wash away, if you will, the mildew. You have to thoroughly spray, every three days. It had no impact on the health of the leaves and the flowers were unharmed. It came back but in really small spots that I would trim off the plant. They even grew. Not sure how it would impact cannabis. Maybe diluting it a bit in a hand sprayer might effective. Can not be used at all if you are in flower or pre flower. By then it's too late anyway.

I tested another common fungicide, non copper. It didn't work at all. It was so goopy it spayed in globs and was tough to get coverage that way. I threw it out. Was worthless.