powdery mildew on cured dry weed do i wash it????


Well-Known Member
so my last crop was taken down beginning of september and since then has been dried out and cured the same way as i always have done through every crop over the past 7 years. i tend to keep a few jars of nice big buds stashed away at the back of the cupboard for when I'm running low or a rainy day. i went to grab some material for making some edibles and noticed a few white bits in my close trim/popcorn upon further inspection it had spread through the bag so i instantly grabbed my jar or blackberry and checked it out unfortunately it was really powdery too. i was speaking to a friend who said to check the centres if it had spread or was just the outside luckily its just the outside so he then advised me to give it a wash and check it out? I've never washed any weed so have no idea what I'm doing is there any point? my thinking is i should give it a try because worse comes to worse its going in the bin any way just be unfortunate to throw away 3 ounces if theres something i can do to make it smokeable again?
so my last crop was taken down beginning of september and since then has been dried out and cured the same way as i always have done through every crop over the past 7 years. i tend to keep a few jars of nice big buds stashed away at the back of the cupboard for when I'm running low or a rainy day. i went to grab some material for making some edibles and noticed a few white bits in my close trim/popcorn upon further inspection it had spread through the bag so i instantly grabbed my jar or blackberry and checked it out unfortunately it was really powdery too. i was speaking to a friend who said to check the centres if it had spread or was just the outside luckily its just the outside so he then advised me to give it a wash and check it out? I've never washed any weed so have no idea what I'm doing is there any point? my thinking is i should give it a try because worse comes to worse its going in the bin any way just be unfortunate to throw away 3 ounces if theres something i can do to make it smokeable again?

Two things to say here.

#1: You jarred it too early and it's moisture content was too high. Dry to stems cracking when bent and not simply bending without cracking.

#2: Your rather screwed on the dry having PM.

Sorry bout the PM!
Two things to say here.

#1: You jarred it too early and it's moisture content was too high. Dry to stems cracking when bent and not simply bending without cracking.

#2: Your rather screwed on the dry having PM.

Sorry bout the PM!

I have read where some recommend that it can be used for edibles.

What are your thoughts on this?
I have read where some recommend that it can be used for edibles.

What are your thoughts on this?

I agree with Indacouch!

BUT,,,,,you can make hash from it! Do the bubble method (ice/water hash making) and the PM goes through the screens - No 25 micron screen used and your good, even though PM spores are 3-30 microns, The contents of 25 micron screens is generally broken trich stems and immature trich's...45 micron screen is the limit here.

Enjoy your hash!
So first off I would recommend throwing that stuff in the garbage, I know it's like throwing away a baby but shit aint safe. If you must consume it be it edibles, oil or smoking the flower, it is believed that an H2O2 wash (gotta get the good stuff I believe) can kill the mold spores, do some digging on that H2O2 wash for buds.
I heard if you can get the unicorn dust off the naked chick that will prevent/cure and even reverse pm..........

Problem is its like getting stripper glitter off.

Stripper glitter is nothing but trouble.....I've failed my fair share of late night sparkle tests....lol
So first off I would recommend throwing that stuff in the garbage, I know it's like throwing away a baby but shit aint safe. If you must consume it be it edibles, oil or smoking the flower, it is believed that an H2O2 wash (gotta get the good stuff I believe) can kill the mold spores, do some digging on that H2O2 wash for buds.

Throwing a baby away :shock:

Couldn't resist lol.....sucks having to toss bud......but it's the best method
So first off I would recommend throwing that stuff in the garbage, I know it's like throwing away a baby but shit aint safe. If you must consume it be it edibles, oil or smoking the flower, it is believed that an H2O2 wash (gotta get the good stuff I believe) can kill the mold spores, do some digging on that H2O2 wash for buds.

You don't have to throw it away.
The hash "rescue" works great.
At least you get your trich's.
I wouldn't "wash" buds.
You don't have to throw it away.
The hash "rescue" works great.
At least you get your trich's.
I wouldn't "wash" buds.

stoner science? the spores of the powdery mildew are much smaller than trichomes, we can agree on this right? So even the smallest screen that will allow trichomes though isn't going to prevent the pm spores from getting through, you can see how this would happen, yes?
stoner science? the spores of the powdery mildew are much smaller than trichomes, we can agree on this right? So even the smallest screen that will allow trichomes though isn't going to prevent the pm spores from getting through, you can see how this would happen, yes?

??? o_O

The spores wash through and the trich's stay in the bag - on the screen......Spores gone, trich's (hash) saved..:shock:..Don't you make bubble?

What the hell is your point? :roll:
Powdery mildew can easily be "killed" and be made perfectly fine to burn/smoke on curing or dried buds with a simple soak in a 3% hydrogen peroxide bath. Personally if it was deep in the bud I would toss it, but a powdery mildew dunk is very safe and effective and commonly done in guerrilla growing.

Watch Cervantes do it and explain with this video "washing away powdery mildew"

I just noticed in his video he actually starts with 3% and dilutes it, I think that is much to diluted, I use 3% straight undiluted
My point is your a damn fool if yuou think its safe and clean of PM

Point being, PM spores are no bigger then 40 microns.
Screening at 45 microns - wash's away PM spores.

Adding KHCO3 at about 2 tsp per gallon of wash water....destroy's PM spores also.
So then, If worried about them being there after you make your hash. Use the KHCO3 in the ice/water you make the bubble with.