Powdery Mildew


Well-Known Member
I was giving this kid a clone bc its the best weed ever and I wanted him to keep the strain going in case something happened to my clones down the road. He said the plant has powdery mildew on in or whatever. He said once the powdery mildew gets on the plant it gets in the plant and there is no way ever to get rid of it... The clones I gave him barely rooted and I never seen powdery mildew on them or anything white.... I'm thinking he just doesn't want to deal with my clones, bc he has his own strains already.
Not sure if your venting or not but you ask no question here.

If there IS PM then I would not have taken them as I would not want that near my grow.

If He's making up the PM as to not store your stuff, Why lie, I wouldn't want a liar growing for me.
Not sure if your venting or not but you ask no question here.

If there IS PM then I would not have taken them as I would not want that near my grow.

If He's making up the PM as to not store your stuff, Why lie, I wouldn't want a liar growing for me.

Just saying he might not have the space for my clones and is just making it up.
potassium bicarbonate with castile soap and water as a foliar for me, helps to control.

Run a search on potassium bicarbonate for powdery mildew on google for recipes.
First off I wouldn't give a kid anything. By kid I mean anyone under 18. And if they were old enough only if they asked me for clones.

If you gave them clones and they tossed them for no reason then they would never get anything from me again. No clones not even a single seed.

If they do have PM it's also possible that they got it once in that kids grow area so make sure you don't get any clones from them. Regardless it's nothing worth worrying about. Make sure you don't have PM in your grow and move on.

As for being the best weed ever I'm assuming that you're being sarcastic as it's definitely not the best weed ever and there's always something just as good or better to be found.
so im just gonna thread jack here and ask the question. is there a way to get rid of powdery mildew like effective sprays or something
I just dealt with PM, if not in flower you can spray with Neem oil. Remove infested leaves best you can, neem oil coats the leaves and leaves an oily film so PM can't get a start on leaf surface. Also good for battling thrips. Its considered organic.