powdery mildew


so i have ran into powdery mildew ..how do I kill this stuff not keep it under contol..but
eradicate this shit ..so far i have tryed baking soda ...than h202....than neem didnt even phase this stuff ..i tracked down how I got this stuff and it seems it has been alive in deffent grow rooms for years and as far as I can tell has become tolorant of the normal treatments ....I mean i dusted with baking soda and i watched this stuff grow on the baking soda didnt even slow it down ...h202 same thing im at the end of my rope i have a couple strains that works really well to realive my pain its took my a long time to find the ones that work and i really dont want to toss my gentics out the window so please help me out ....anybody run into somthing like this and won the war .????


Rebel From The North
Hey billy if i remember right hiesinberg tea formula will kill it not 100% shure but its worth a go! Il post a link


right I already use his tea but i add worm castings instead of acient forest ...I kind of thought those kinds of fungi and bacteria live in soil and wett invironments since my leaves are pretty dry surface i thought maybe the fungi and bacteria would just go dormant like when you buy micro maddness in the can and its compeltey dry and just not active growing but im not sure ill deffenty ask heisnberg soon of he thinks it well work ...
Billy ... Have had luck with a product called Actinovate. I am growing a perpetual garden so it was a real bitch to get this under control. I am working off clones and like you did not want to lose the genetics I have established. This problem is systemic so all the foliar cures just knock down the external mildew signs that we see but do not attack the internal disease living inside the plant which is carried along through clones. I have saved existing crops right up through flowering and harvest with a 50/50spray of 3% hydrogen peroxide which can be used to keep the external mildew at bay. By using Actinovate on all my existing plants both as a foliar spray and also as a soil drench I did see a improvement in the health of my existing plants, but the use of the Actinovate in my aerocloners was the turning point in cleaning this crap out of my garden. It appears to me that as a disease that is internal in the plant, it is very hard to kill it off in a full size mature plant but by introducing this beneficial bacteria into the clone at the very start it seemed to give the product its best chance at killing off this nasty junk. All other factor still need to be like keeping humidity low and having good airflow in your garden. I have also installed a HEPA filter on my inflow air supply to help keep any new mold spores from coming into my grow room. Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Hi Billy, PM is a bitch indeed, and as far as I am aware is a disease that will stay with your plant like mofo Herpes. The environment brings it out and once it has effected the plant, it's basically kill the strain and start again, or improve environment to the stage where you will not make it appear again. I have combated PM will a product called Silinal by ECOstyle, but like I said, once it's there, it will always have the potential for it to raise it's ugly head.

Peace, DST


Active Member
PM Wash from NPK Indestries works wonders for that. It will kill all fruiting PM, it will not however, kill the disease itself. PM retroengineers the DNA in the plant cells "The clones you take from that plant will start fruiting PM spores when the conditions are right" and is indeed like herpes. My suggestion would be to fix all of the conditions in which PM can start fruiting. Lower your humidity to less than 50% and increase your air flow. "Add some fans"


So i found the cure ...its gone.. the same company that makes forbidd the people who killed my spider mites make a fungcide ...got it from a freind one hit wonder sprayed once mold has been gone for a mouth now ...