1)- I dont buy grapes or apples for the last 14 years, I grow my own, fungicide use on these commercial items never concerned me.1)Umm, it's used on grapes, soy, etc. Dozens of different foods. You've eaten it if you don't do nothing but organics and maybe then depending on where you are getting them.
2) I understand you said respectfully but please don't try to make me look like a fool saying it's just for turf maintenance. You could've also said a fungicide used on many foods today. Not that that makes it any less harmful considering but the way I use it leaves no trace.
3)No need for scare tactics.
4)I'm glad you work the way you do but thinking you're better than me for it doesn't fly. Now people who use it with reckless abandon and don't tell their consumers is another story.
See, that's misinformation. You have never researched the use of it so you think it's worse than yours since there was eagle 20 used on it at some point in it's life when brought in to quarantine. That's your opinion not fact, so until you educate yourself on the topic could you not paint me in a bad light because of your bias? It's not by any standard that mj grown without the use of fungicides will be healthier on the human organ, whatever that means. If there is no detectable residue it is NO DIFFERENT than plants grown organically. And growers using these items indoors are not "often plagued". There was no "different experience" reported by my patients or me when I used the eagle 20 to rid myself of PM and save my strains. None knew the difference when I switched to the batch that had been sprayed.1)- I dont buy grapes or apples for the last 14 years, I grow my own, fungicide use on these commercial items never concerned me.
2)- I didnt try to make anyone look like a fool Norby. I didnt say "its just for turf maintenance, the msds from EAGLE 20 does say turf management though, as well as a couple other commercial crops, (mentionable- none that are not smoked, no tobacco.)
3) The use of unapproved fungicides on medical marijuana crops is scary. nobody knows who is applying the shit, or how or when, just that it works=thats scary to me, and should be to patients too. Grapes and apples get rained on with uv daily, marijuana often goes seed to sack without seeing any rinsing, this is scary to me. I dont use any of this shit recall, so using any of it is scary biz to me.
Can you show me the post where I said "I am better than you" ? I dont recall ever saying that to anyone in my life, sorry for any misunderstanding. I am an organic style gardener. One must expect recoil when defending the use of approved or not fungicides they put on their medical marijuana for patients right?
I dont use any of it. I dont take in clones. I dont need to, never did, never will. that doesnt make me better than anyone. it does save me money, hassle, controversy, judgement, and allows me to sleep well. There are none of these products used on our farm apples, grapes, berries, veggies, etc. We free range our animals and ourselves.
by any standards marijuana grown without the use of pesticides fungicides insecticides is going to be healthier to the human organ when consumed. Its going to be preferred by consumers. Growers using these items indoors are often plagued while growers not using them report a different experience. I love mine, gonna keep on keeping on.
peace out
sorry,im not following.have you deliberately run moldy bud through an extraction and looked for spores in your concentrate? thats what i gathered from the info concerning botrytis making it into your final extract.if theres water and plant material...yes, like kief. I dont see any mold in my oils after years(1600x lcd microscope) but they do dry up to crisp over time and I dont seal them up either, might make a difference...
my oil has never molded.sorry,im not following.have you deliberately run moldy bud through an extraction and looked for spores in your concentrate? thats what i gathered from the info concerning botrytis making it into your final extract.
yeah,i agree with you then.i think its a common misconception that moldy weed can be used for oils.i do use a buchner funnel setup with DE and carbon,i wonder if that would "catch" the mold.i dont run moldy weed in my extractions anyways,may be an interesting experiment thoughmy oil has never molded.
if keif is stored wet it will mold, it has some plant material in it.
I had outdoor bud rot once, I discarded the rotten cola. I cant use moldy weed for anything. Without proper micron filtration moldy bits would remain in the oil after extraction. Butane/alcohol will not rid fungus spores, might kill them though.
1) Eagle 20 is toxic to the human organ. No studies have been presented showing it is safe and legal for cannabis applications, or any smoked consumable for that matter in our country. it is in fact banned from use for many consumable products. It remains illegal to use on cannabis.1). You have never researched the use of it so you think it's worse than yours since there was eagle 20 used on it at some point in it's life when brought in to quarantine.
2)That's your opinion not fact, so until you educate yourself on the topic could you not paint me in a bad light because of your bias?
3)It's not by any standard that mj grown without the use of fungicides will be healthier on the human organ, whatever that means.
4)If there is no detectable residue it is NO DIFFERENT than plants grown organically. And growers using these items indoors are not "often plagued". There was no "different experience" reported by my patients or me when I used the eagle 20 to rid myself of PM and save my strains. None knew the difference when I switched to the batch that had been sprayed.
5)See you do think your MJ is better than mine, you just said it outright.
6)And no, one doesn't have to "expect" recoil when people are educated to how they work.
7)See, again you are putting me into a category that people who prophylacticly spray chems with no regard. If there is residue of sprays left then yes, there is an added element to judge. But if there is NO machine or person who can detect that eagle 20 was ever sprayed on the plant then it is no different.
If you don't want to use them great but looking down on others who know what they are doing IS condescending no matter how you want it to come across. You said by ANY standards yours is better than mine cause it was sprayed.
9)Of course organic is going to be preferred by customers if they don't trust the grower or know how any pesticides or fungicides work.
10)Organic cyanide is still much more toxic than eagle 20. I'd rather have my plants sprayed with eagle 20 than organic ricin.
1) Eagle 20 is toxic to the human organ. No studies have been presented showing it is safe and legal for cannabis applications, or any smoked consumable for that matter in our country. it is in fact banned from use for many consumable products. It remains illegal to use on cannabis.
Cannabis that has not been treated with Eagle 20 is a healthier choice to smoke than cannabis that has been treated with it. I stand by this statement with all available info including EAGLE 20 msds guidelines. I bet here is nobody in this forum that would prefer to smoke mold free eagle 20 treated marijuana than mold free NON eagle 20 treated. we could conduct a survey if you think differently?
2- it is fact, and is not to put shade on you but to put light on products grown organic style
3-It is hands down well known that consumables using (approved or not) fungicides are less healthy for the human organ than consumables that do not use fungicides. This means that those chemicals do specific harms to the human organ as stated on the msds sheets. use, applications, clean up, etc are well explained. Indoor gardening, indoor applications on medical marijuana crops with Eagle 20 is dangerous, ask eagle 20, they will say the same thing, as will every state testing lab today.
I'm not saying that its not safe for you to use Norby, I'm saying its not safe for me to use Eagle 20, every state in the US, eagle themselves, and every marijuana grower I've known agreed till you. You could end up being right while they were wrong who knows. I read about a turf treatment, ornamental, not for tobacoo, etc....then ounces per acre used, petroleum distillates...this is plenty nuff info for me to know I cannot put this on my marijuana, I cant even have it on my property. Instead I've done everything within my power to prevent fungi outbreaks and it has worked since 2008. with controls available, habits adjusted, etc....seems liek a logical choice for an indoor grower concerned with health, toxins in the enviro, etc. If I ever see mold I will discard plants, I can see it no other way. If I told my patients I used it they would leave me and I dont blame them, as I've expressly promised not to.
4) Plagued with issues= yes, in fact growers here reporting issues with fungi mention mites and gnats and more= growers are often plagued with issues when they are using chems in the garden.
5) check this out; I bring two jars of identical meds
come to the table with a sign over the contained meds
one says 'EAGLE 20-applied by my friend Norby (with msds/epa/fda displayed for education)
the other says- No EAGLE 20 has ever been used.
which do you think would be sample more by patients? voted better by those sampling?
6) NO state lab will accept eagle 20 in their medical marijuana. At no level is this chemical accepted for indoor use on cannabis.
isnt about personal convincing at this point. Of every paper I read this chem is forbidden on cannabis and even tobacco. why worry challenge it? its bad stuff, no matter how its used, bad for the applicator, bad for the consumer, bad for the environment, bad for skin contact( call poison control immediately(msds), banned completely by some states even. why question that? for a few moldy plants in a room? not me. you may end up correct, it may be healthier to consume marijuana treated with eagle20 someday..but
I dont recall any fungicide being called toxic but later found to be good for humans in agriculture.
7) No, you are mistaken. I know well you say you used it one time years ago and never needed it again. You noticed no differences and your patients didnt care that you used eagle 20. I never said you use it as a preventative.
8,9,10) see #5, I'm not being condescending, you must realize one person among millions of growers is saying "hey I used eagle 20 on patient meds and it didnt matter, and here's some of the reasons I think it is safe". I wont use it, and I would suggest if you do to keep it a secret from beginner growers. Now they flock to the grow store and can buy that little no named home mixed bottle from them. wtf norby? this isnt right.
some growers rely on their crops for income and not just a hobby. when they see mold in late flower they are inclined to use whatever it takes to, and now they see norby saying heck this shit is fine if used right, and right, is decided by me, because the world says it isnt right to use on cannabis, but I find them to be so wrong? these and most will fail to ever see beyond their choice, why would they, when they find what works, make it work, its a human condition.
since there is no organic certification for cannabis yet I chose to use the phrase organic style. right down to the rubber in my watering hoses man. is it organic? no of course not. but there are no chems used and thats the point. trust? of someone selling you something? mmmkkkk they choose to avoid chems. I'd be hard pressed to trust my grower if he's using banned chems on marijuana, and thats got nothing to do with you= you are not my supplier, I hold no judgement against you and you said you do not use this chem anymore.
if you wish to debate organic vs non organic we can use another thread. stick to points, nobody uses ricin on their marijuana, organic or not. organic does not mean safe to eat, or safe to spray, or safe to use, I think you know that. There are many organic compounds that should not be used on indoor consumables. Interestingly though...many have been used in the production of fungicides, miticides and insecticides in history and to now.
I cant debate the safety of eagle 20 because its not fair. every state, epa, fda won the deal, they tested it too, they tested for residue, even in tobacco I suspect, and still it is not approved.
be safe
You are wrong, anything that hasn't been tested on something is banned from being used on it. Show me where ANY of these agencies tested eagle 20 on tobacco. They have to have an extra layer because the residue is being smoked. No one has done the studies for an acceptable level. What I'm saying is that no level is acceptable and saying it is gone by 8 weeks the way I use it. Your misinterpretation of banned is the root cause though you are correct you can't debate safety because you haven't researched but you are making an overt declaration on safety even though you aren't qualified.I cant debate the safety of eagle 20 because its not fair. every state, epa, fda won the deal, they tested it too, they tested for residue, even in tobacco I suspect, and still it is not approved.
you said honesty is the best policy concerning unapproved use of fungicide in the medical mj indoor garden. I agree. the bulk of clones are likely privately traded and their growers/buyers are most often plagued with issues like mold and mites regardless of their treatments and dips to this day they make threads daily. Even the ones that use fungicides have to keep doing it. gotta wonder why.You are confusing used with able to tell it has been used. If there are no residues then there isn't a difference between using it and not. If it doesn't show up in tests then it would be sold outright in ANY dispensary in the country because even though it isn't approved it also isn't denied if it has been used and isn't detected, right?
my thoughts as well.probably why i have an unopened box of azamax on the shelf.(a whole other can of worms im not trying to open)The only thing is, that unless you get it tested there is no way to tell if there is any residue. So what is the cut off point before harvest that would make any residue undetectable. It turns into a guessing game.
“If you smoke it, if you heat it,” Land explains, “it produces a chemical call hydrogen cyanide. It’s very toxic to humans.”You are wrong, anything that hasn't been tested on something is banned from being used on it. Show me where ANY of these agencies tested eagle 20 on tobacco. They have to have an extra layer because the residue is being smoked. No one has done the studies for an acceptable level. What I'm saying is that no level is acceptable and saying it is gone by 8 weeks the way I use it. Your misinterpretation of banned is the root cause though you are correct you can't debate safety because you haven't researched but you are making an overt declaration on safety even though you aren't qualified.
Ok, so all the labs in the world, fda, epa, eagle 20 and their producers say dont use this on cannabis...and you say there is no definitive test available to you to show residue and it can be used safely... why in the world would anyone count on your experience when deciding to use or not to use an unapproved fungicide on an indoor mj garden ?First off, I have not advocated using it anytime in flower, that gives 8-12+ weeks. From other people I've talked to it's between 5-6 weeks indoors till it's undetectable. I know from one test it's not detectable after 8 weeks. And teh amount detectable even 4-5 weeks in is PPB. There is no chemicals in food or tobacco as far as I know that they test to that small of a level for safety. 2ml per gallon for over 12 or so plants is less than what they fed rats every day for a few weeks before they detected problems. It's used in such small amounts that it's not going to be found to be much of a problem. Just because green labs detected it on some crops doesn't mean that it would've been even remotely harmful to people. It's scare tactics because people don't look at proportions detected and there aren't any studies on that small of an amount.
you said honesty is the best policy concerning unapproved use of fungicide in the medical mj indoor garden. I agree. the bulk of clones are likely privately traded and their growers/buyers are most often plagued with issues like mold and mites regardless of their treatments and dips to this day they make threads daily. Even the ones that use fungicides have to keep doing it. gotta wonder why.
and think about it. If given the choice above, between treated and untreated...it really wont matter what remains except the truth. both buds have no mold and one has been eagle 20'd...patients would decide on untreated buds hands down, thats my point.
If I used this eagle 20 and told my patients upfront they would not stay with me. thats good enough without any further thought. I wouldnt try to convince them that I did it safely so they would stay, I wouldnt argue with the epa/fda/and eagle 20 themselves concerning its use. I 'd feel dumb trying to sell that to my patients. I know some dont care I get it, and I bet we smoked much worse in the previous decades but now I have a choice. Its one more of my consumables that I have total control of. I can swear no chems were used in the production of any veggie, marijuanas, chickens, pigeons, ducks or fish on this property. Its a badge I wear, its important to me to do this, one by one, produce all of what I consume without the use of any sprays/treatments. If I had indoor garden mold that I couldnt get rid of without fungicides I'd stop growing indoors. thats just me I get it. I have to stay true to what I believe. I live what I speak all the way. for consideration- I didnt invent a non mite/non mold indoor grow space, I learned how to build it from someone else who had no need for chems. I set those controls, followed some guidelines like never take in clones, dont rub on other growers, no strangers inside, etc....and it worked. it worked for him, it worked for me and two others he shared with too. its a bad ass program and it is successful without chems so far. he wont even share clones, only seeds, just like me![]()
“If you smoke it, if you heat it,” Land explains, “it produces a chemical call hydrogen cyanide. It’s very toxic to humans.”
That’s exactly why the federal government prohibits the use of Myclobutanil on tobacco, but California currently has no such pesticide rules when it comes to medical marijuana.
In a statement to KPIX 5, Dow AgroSciences — the manufacturer of Eagle 20 — said the fungicide has not been approved for and should not be used on marijuana.
“Dow AgroSciences, without exception, will not seek regulatory approvals or support the use of its products on marijuana,” the statement read. “Eagle 20 is not approved for use nor should it be used under any circumstances on marijuana.”
I dont need to be qualified to know using a petroleum distillate and a product that turns to hydrogen cyanide on my herbs meant for smoking/vaping probably is not a good idea aye?