power cut

hi guys
another noob here to growing and this site,taken me long enough to find out how to post!
anyway my problem or worry rather.
im on my 4th week of flower and thing have gone pretty well so far but tonight i had a power cut when lights were on for bout an hour,will this cause them to herm or do any damage,they are looking pretty good be a shame if it all goes tits up now.
thx for any replies



Well-Known Member
Very doubtful (99.9%) my friend, if it were happening consistently I would say that yes for sure.
sorry i wrote on for an hour i meant they were off for an hour,man this growing is more stressfull than i could have imagined,lol.


Well-Known Member
My ballast took a shit on me last grow when I went out of town for 2 days before I could get to them, no hermies. I took a Master Kush mother that was flowering and put her under 24/7 lighting for 7 days after 5 weeks of 12/12, she didn't hermie. That same plant, I heat stressed her and did everything imaginable to see how stable and resilient she was, she turned out just fine. I am smoking her now as I type, awesome stuff. Stable genetics are key.
thx for replies,wow really quick, def felling better now. i know they can be tuff buggers but when its your own baby panic sets in thx again guys