Power outlets & circuits

Hey im planning on getting a 600w mh/hps 4'x4'x6.5' 240 cfm intake fan 6" carbon filter206 cfm fan combo that comes with 9 3 gallon soil pots...this will be bought all in one from a website...i not sure how many power cords it will have but i wanted to know is it safe to hook one or more to home power outlets...i think i have about 2 outlets in my closet(4 in total since theres 2 on each) or can i buy the extension hub for more outlets and then hook that up to wall...which way is best??? And also with the materials i mentioned above...wanted to ask you guys what else am i going to need? As far as eveverything to get me started......soil,nutes,& everything i need for my girls.....also im in apartments in california


Well-Known Member
Move the 206 to be your intake and the 240 to be your output. You want to create a vacuum inside of your tent. I don't grow in soil personally so I can give you too much valid info on that. I will say reverse osmosis systems are a must for growing of any kind and I've heard great things about Fox Farm mutes with their ocean forest soil if I remember right. A hygrometer is also an absolute must to determine your humidity levels and getting it in a combo thermometer is a very sound idea as well. Also get a oscillating fan to move air around the canopy and if humidity becomes a problem later on then you may have to look into a dehumidifier but be careful as those things will raise the temps inside because they are like mini heaters.

If your equipment is drawing too much juice and blowing breakers then run a minimum of a 14 gauge extension chord from another room that is on another circuit to handle Tge load you're trying to draw.


Well-Known Member
You can plug as many as you want to the outlet, but there are a couple things to keep in mind. How many amps you are running, and you need to make sure your extension cords are the right gauge. DO NOT use some sort of scrawny dollar store cord. If you are pulling a lot of watts it will make the cord hot, may possibly melt, and start a fire. You can find appliance extension cords at many hardware stores, amazon, or whatever. Most circuits are at least 15 amps. If you keep the grow under say 1400 watts on that one (15amp) circuit you should be plenty fine.


Active Member
I would not run the fans and lights on the same circuit. its possible during fan startup that it can blow the bulb. Ive seen it happen before. Probably more of an issue with magnetic ballasts but I have seen it happen.