power surges..... Hermie risk? anyone? please?

I have 10 -4 day old seedlings growing and a power surge turned my lights off for about 4sec and then the next day twice for about 4 - 5 sec is there a chance of shock or Hermie for my little seedlings or am I good? Just want a little piece of mind.


150 watt hps 3daylight cfl side light agromax grow tent


Active Member
And the cycle you really worry about interrupting is the DARK cycle. sounds like you got that covered with the ol' agromax tent tho so don't fret the surges, but maybe put your gear behind a surge-protector for peace and relaxation?


Active Member
battery backup UPS's work wonders for intermittent short outages. when the power goes out the box clicks over to battery power and your lights/fans run off that until the batteries die or the power comes back on.

they make a ton of different sizes for your watt's being used. they run from $50-1,000's depending on your setup.

here is a cheap one for running up to 410 watts max.


Well-Known Member
Hahah you said seconds.. wait until a power outtage that lasts hours. o_O then come asking the question.. we all have.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
A plant needs days and day, of less than 14hr of light before they'll start to flower.

Your plant would die from lack of light, before turning herm.

Power outages: Minutes, hours, a day...no problem. Three days no light...problem.