PPM and EC discussion


Well-Known Member
So I wanted to see what people have to say about this discussion. I'm running a 25 gallon reservoir, it's a flood and drain setup on a 2x4 tray filled completely with hydroton. It has two plants. Throughout the grow I have seen ppm and ec slowly rising. Plants have been healthy thoughoit cycle however is this due to overfeeding? Obviously they drink water too and there is some evaporation. Should I be topping off water ever two days or so? Is this due to ppm eventually accelerating too quick due to never adding H20?

Plants naturally evaporate water you need to add what's lost to maintain your target ec.
If you ease up on the nutrient you'll find the balance of nutrient/water, that balance can change with the environment for example a dry warm spell makes the plant take up more water affecting your ec.
If rising your feeding to much or you have root problems.
I’ve always had the opposite experience. If the ph is rising the plants are using the nutrients faster which would leave the buffered water resulting in higher ph. If the ph is falling then the nutrient is getting used slower then the water which would indicate too high ec. Just my experience though
I’ve always had the opposite experience. If the ph is rising the plants are using the nutrients faster which would leave the buffered water resulting in higher ph. If the ph is falling then the nutrient is getting used slower then the water which would indicate too high ec. Just my experience though
Sorry i should have included if your "ppm" is rising.you can let it rise to a point. But after that point you will run into over fertilizing issues.
The ec should be dropping or hovering about the same if you top off with the same ratio. When my ec rises I usually flush the hydroton and it seems to help.
Ok so thanks so much for the replies guys. It's been a while since I did hydro, I'm an outdoor soil guy by heart, however I've been learning a lot, for the better. I seemed to have solved most of my problems.

Main issues:

1) Humidity. Since my tent is only a 2x4 and my reservoir is below, these two 4' y'all girls are generating a lot of humidity on their own through transpiration and the soaked hydroton. I noticed now that the outdoor temps are rising the ambient temp of the room and the humidity has been changing, all winter the room was dry and I was able to generate my own humidity. Now that they are mid flower I didn't want to get mold, the humidity was getting in the red zone. I picked up a Dehumidifier and the room is perfect.
2)Athena cleanse: I always was running a sterile reservoir but the problem was with my Emerald goddess nutrient which is part of the emerald Harvest series it uses all organic stuff like kelp etc so do to me always running a low solution of that in my reservoir I was counteracting the beneficial bacteria. So I've stopped running that in the reservoir. Hope I don't regret it some people said that they foilar feed that nutrient but I don't want to be bothered with that and others said no reason to run sterile through the grow like that.
3)Top offs: I really wasn't topping off my reservoir which was really just inexperience. I always took readings with my blue lab pens and noticed slight increases in ppm but thought that was normal. I guess through vegetative and early flower it wasn't as big of a deal but now that they were drinking a heavy amount it must have threw the levels off too much. My Ec and ppms got really high at the end I believe like 1800 and 3.3 or something. That's what made me realize I probably had tons of salt in my tray. Also saw the plants halt growth it seemed. So now I top off every two days. It seems like the readings have gotten much better and my pH isn't dropping anymore!!
4) Solution strength: I was always running the recommended dose on the emerald Harvest page but people have stated that that's always the max amount you should probably use so I've lowered it to three quarters of that amount. This brings me to around 900 PPM at the start of the solution. Hope it's not too low now.

So basically between fixing the humidity, running a slightly lower nutrient solution, and topping off has seemed to fix my growth halt. My pH is staying steady not dropping anymore, my ppm and ec are much more stable. They are really looking good now. Smell incredible. What ppm would you guys recommend in mid to late flower? Some of my lower branches the buds are a little pale green, do you think this is just a light issue since there's such heavy canopy blocking down there?20220404_163629.jpg20220404_163110.jpg20220404_163001.jpg
I know this may be a dump question on an almost dead thread but did you consider that the water system might be the culprit of your TDS? One time I was working in a lab where the TDS/conductivity of a buffer solution was rising over the course of a couple weeks and it turned out that someone didn't perform the planned maintenance on our water system and the filter were letting minerals though.