
New Member
Hey rollitup, still kind of new here, but have been lurking for awhile.

Hope everyone is having a good day, and smoking good. Anyways my question is this, i have a TDS meter and was looking at the feeding charts for GH, so it tells you the /ml on how to add there nutes, then off to the corner says there PPMs and i have read a lot of threads on coco growing and DWC on ppm readings, now my question is this if you are following a nute feeding chart by the company and using RO water like it recommends, (kinda like everyone recommends) why would you follow a PPM or concern yourself with it? because you are adding the nutes like it says in the chart, so wouldn't it balance like it says? or is it more for double checking yourself? this is more geared towards coco growing, but all answers are welcome. I would appreciate all the info. thanks.


Well-Known Member
PPM is what you want to use, the chart is at FULL DOSE,I use a soilless mix =nutri mix hp and water 25% dosage of recommendations on bottle and it works great


Well-Known Member
run off should be lower,then its used up the most of the nuts ,if run off is higher it still has some ferts left in the soil,I only use 25% of recommended dose on bottle and feed every watering PPM run 400 to 475 , adjust as needed if leafs look real dark back off alittle ,hope this helps:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
in my experience run off is never lower than the nutrient EC/ppm

ideally your run off would remain the same as what your feeding but that's only if your not over feeding which most people way over feed

the reason for a ppm meter ( I prefer EC) is to monitor the PPM in your res not just when you first mix a new batch but also thru the week or possibly 2 weeks the nutrients are running threw and back out of your plants.... as the res becomes 1, 2 or 5 days old the nutrient content of the solution will change dpepending on what the plant eats and what it leaves behind each time the solution passes threw the medium

day 1 you mix your res at an EC of 1.2 (or 800ppm)
day 3 you check your EC or ppm in the res and it has gone up from 800ppm to 1000ppm

conclusion; your likely over feeding and need to mix a lower ppm maybe try lowering it to 700ppm or an EC of 0.9

if you set you ph in your res to 5.5 and the next day it swings up to 6.2
possible conclusion;
your feeding to low an EC or ppm
if you raise the ppm the ph will likely swing more slowly
if you raise the ppm too much the ph wont swing up at all

so ideally you want a gradual ph up swing and your EC or ppm not to climb in the res but to remain close to the same +/-

also;;; when your talking ppm... not all meters are the same so depending on the brand yours might read 1000ppm and your friend who has another brand might read 1200ppm

EC pen reads the same no matter the brand its universal so if you say your feeding 1.2 EC and I say im 1.2EC we are comparing apples to apples

but comparing your ppm to his ppm might be comparing apples to oranges

lastly...many of the mixing directions on the bottle recommend way to high an EC/ppm