Ppm chart


Active Member
i was wondering if anyone had a really good like ppm chart from seedling all the way to harvest that would really help a lot in my opinion of course im talking bout hydro
i dont want a GH one or AN one i want a rollitup one


Well-Known Member
What nutrient line? General Hydroponics best results for me come from using The Lucas Formula & I have my own Fox Farm nute chart that I found on another site and loaded into Excel. You were just looking for Advanced & GH only?


Rebel From The North
lucas with GH start at G/M/B
VEG. 0/5/10 5ML / 10ML per gal.
bloom 0/8/16 8ML / 16ML per gal.
super simple but you will, at least I did run into a nitro def. with lucas

I use the add as I need to formula, this being said I start GH with lucas and then work my PPMs
up to 1000 then add advanced nutes big bud working it up by the ML per gal to 1100 PPMs then
I add voodoo juice for the roots, ppms are at 1200 by now. last is the H202 at 7 to 10 ML per gal.
then PH the water, the reason I cant give you a persise amount is my water ppms are different
from yours so you have to work it up, its simple just start with the basic lucus is great for that.
if you run into problems just pm me


maybe you can help me out. I am growing hydroponic , my 2nd time around. Our well water is 900ppm out of the ground. We struggled last time using Techni flora cuz so many things to mix and keeping the ppm at a level that was acceptable. So this time we are using reverse osmosis water w/ zero ppm from the get go. Add the nutes and i can get it to 700-800 we just moved to flowering and i am told we need to bump the ppm up to 1000 or 1200. For the most part the plants look good. PH is stable at 6.5. There are 3 different strain and it does appear some are more tolerant than others. Some of the leaves even on new growth are bending long ways .. not at the time like praying but the body of the leaf is folding over.. on some.. not sure if this is my nutrients or temperature or ppm. Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
That ph is too high for hydro, set ph at 5.8 or so and it should driftt up. once it hits about 6.1 set it back down to 5.8.


Well-Known Member
lucas with GH start at G/M/B
VEG. 0/5/10 5ML / 10ML per gal.
bloom 0/8/16 8ML / 16ML per gal.
super simple but you will, at least I did run into a nitro def. with lucas

I use the add as I need to formula, this being said I start GH with lucas and then work my PPMs
up to 1000 then add advanced nutes big bud working it up by the ML per gal to 1100 PPMs then
I add voodoo juice for the roots, ppms are at 1200 by now. last is the H202 at 7 to 10 ML per gal.
then PH the water, the reason I cant give you a persise amount is my water ppms are different
from yours so you have to work it up, its simple just start with the basic lucus is great for that.
if you run into problems just pm me
Sounds like a waste of some expensive voodoo juice using h202 at the same time. H2o2 will kill all the bennies in your expensive voodoo juice that basically is useless in hydro.