PPM Guides

Ban Drown

Could anyone possibly help me setup a rough guide to follow for PPM..

I.e. PPM for Veg then PPM for flower ?

Thank you very much!


Active Member
Each plant will enjoy different PPMs than another. What I would suggest is start at 100 ppm on the 2nd week of growth and step it up each week till you notice slight nute burn. Then chill and step up the PPMs with more growth. I personally have not gone over 1000 ppm and I'll be hitting my final two weeks here in about 4 days.

Just make sure you keep an eye out for deficiencies and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I have White Widow, AK48 & Jock Horror going right now. They liked 500-600 in veg and they are liking the 850-950 that I am giving them right now.

Edit: These of course are full strength and I slowly worked the ladies up to those dosages.