ppm ? nute timer?


Active Member
I'm pretty new to growing. Does anyone know what i'm suppossed to do when i find out my ec or ppm? Also i'm growing DWC, how long do i put my timer on to administer my nutes?


Well-Known Member

Looks like you missed the class. Dude you gotta figure this shit out before you grow. LOL

ppm is how much salts/nutrients you have in the water "parts per million"

when you mix your nutrients you measure the amount with it. If you need more add some. If you have too much drain some and add water.

Once nutrients are at the proper level then pH the solution so plants can use the nutrients. When the water level drops, add ph balanced water then Change out water completely every week. Use R/o or Distilled. Tap water sucks most of the time.

in DWC if your talking about the air pump just turn it on.
If you are watering roots in air and have a cycle timer 20 min on and 2 hours off should work. Try different cycles, find whats best. Be sure they never get dry.


Well-Known Member
the amount of nutes you use depends on the strain of the plant. different strains can handle a higher ppm than others..


Well-Known Member
U need a ppm meter, a.k.a. a TDS meter. They are 20 bux on ebay. Then u need to do some research on how much ppm of nutes to run ur plants at for each stage of their life.


Active Member
Thank's man, I've been trying to find out the ppm for lavender kush but can find nothing on it. My plants are 4 weeks and the ppm right now is 923. Do you happen to know a site i can find out more info on lavender kush and the proper ppm it should be at all stages?