PPM Questions


After possible nutrient overload and subsequent lockout and then nutrient deficiency, I am going to be using clearex tomorrow morning to get back on track. When I apply my next set of nutrients, what ppm level should I aim for? ALso- Does anyone have some general ppm info like what are the levels at each phase that work best? Any info is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, nobody here can help you. We need to know information such as the type of growing setup you have, the type of nutrients you use, etc... Without vital information doctors cant diagnose!
Depending on what nutes you are using, some have nute calculators online to help. I use General Hydroponics and I use their calculator online. It seems to be working just fine for me. If you read the lables and dose appropiately you should be fine.

What works for me is:

300-400 ppm for clones
800-900 for mild growth
1400-1600 agressive growth
1000-1200 flower

This is what works for me. Hope this helps