PPP, Big Bud, Bubblelicious, and Durban Poison


Well-Known Member
My new journal is for my 4 nirvana strains. i currently have 9 mothers consisting of big bud, ppp, bubble, and durban poison. they are about 2.5 months old. i have taken 3 clones from each plant and i am sexing 1 of each as of Tuesday the 17th.

Clones that i am sexing under a 600 hps

Mothers under a 400 mh


Other clones waiting to bud from sex is determined


Well-Known Member
i was inspecting all my mothers and i found this on one of my bubblelicious plants. does anyone think this is male preflowers. i am about 75% sure but i could use some more opinions before i chuck it



Well-Known Member
i was inspecting all my mothers and i found this on one of my bubblelicious plants. does anyone think this is male preflowers. i am about 75% sure but i could use some more opinions before i chuck it
i'd say so, but not 100%, just keep em until you know forsure, it takes a while for the sacs to burst!


Well-Known Member
i have identified and removed three males from my garden. i now have 2 ppp, 2 durban poison, and 1 bubbleicious plants. all of my big buds either didnt make it to the point of sexing or turned out to be males. here are some recent photos of the 6 flowering and the mothers



Well-Known Member
Day 15 i found 3 more males. all were durban poions so i am down to only 2 strains now. 1 Bubbleicious and 2 PPP females for sure. i prunded my plant so i will only grow a single cola or 2 on each plant. once i get my routine running at capacity i will fill the tray with about 16 plants sog style so i am practiceing on these 3 for now. i think its almost time to germinate some blueberry, blue cheese and lavender i hav laying around



Well-Known Member
Day 23...the bubbleicious plant is 30 inches tall, the ppp #2 plant is 18 inches tall, and the ppp #3 is 20.5 inches tall. both the pp plants are showing lots of resin glands whike ithe bubbleicious plant shows none and is streching more than i would like


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nice grow man, im pretty convinced so far that the best way to get best yields indoor is zero veg clone sog. those nugs are really swollen man they look great


Well-Known Member
nice grow man, im pretty convinced so far that the best way to get best yields indoor is zero veg clone sog. those nugs are really swollen man they look great
thanks for the compliments. i like the no veg because it makes so much more space for the flowering room

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
nice nice, is this your first grow on these strain?? when are you gonna get a durban poison clone in there?


Well-Known Member
nice nice, is this your first grow on these strain?? when are you gonna get a durban poison clone in there?
i orginally had big bud and durban also but they either died or turned out to be male so now its just bubble and ppp.