ppp forced 1212 @ wk 3 veg need advice


Active Member
i have 5 ppp and i forced them to flower @ wk 3 veg, i kno the yeild will be small but dont really got the time to veg ne longer, give me advice plz ne would be greatly appreciated. help a fellow grower


Well-Known Member
hmm. i dont know. if i flowered:joint: mine at three weeks i dont think i wuld of yielded ne thing. they really grew 4th week. but thats just mine. i hope i yield a lot cuz im going to flower at the end of this week. and thats only 5 weeks veg.

Mr. Bigglesworth

Active Member
I have been trying and talking to people about going 12/12 from the go...maybe you've seen the thread...if not you should check it out......but the advice that I have heard so far, is that if you are going to have a veg period AT ALL....Three weeks is what you should shoot for as a minimum. So if you did a veg cycle and you are three weeke into it, flowering them now should be fine, yes, your plants will be smaller, but your buds will stilll be full and lush ;)

Peace, Love and Tie Dye,

Mr. Bigglesworth

P.S. If time is a factor, like it is for me, you should try the 12/12 cycle from seed. I am still working on it for myself with the help of others. It seems to be going great so far :)