Hey guys who can help me find Praying Mantis Egg Sacks? I know i can only buy them online but does anyone have any experience and know any reputable sites?
I would do mantis if I had outdoors, but indoors I would rather something smaller like ladybugs or a specific predator for the pests you are looking for.
but yeah some people have mantis' they are cool to hatch from eggs!
Early season shipments will take the longest to hatch - up to 6 weeks. Be patient, keep egg cases warm and check often. A Fantastic Addition To The Garden Or As A Science Project! Praying mantids eat a wide variety of pest insects, mites, and insect eggs. Mantis egg cases are commonly...
Praying Mantis (Tenodera sinensis) is a general predator beneficial insect used for integrated pest management organic biological pest control in vegetable gardens; greenhouses; indoor gardens; cannabis, hemp, and Marijuana farms; vertical farms; and CEA.
Early season shipments will take the longest to hatch - up to 6 weeks. Be patient, keep egg cases warm and check often. A Fantastic Addition To The Garden Or As A Science Project! Praying mantids eat a wide variety of pest insects, mites, and insect eggs. Mantis egg cases are commonly...
I would do mantis if I had outdoors, but indoors I would rather something smaller like ladybugs or a specific predator for the pests you are looking for.
but yeah some people have mantis' they are cool to hatch from eggs!