Pre Black Friday Promotion!!
Are you ready to Blackout with our Pre Black Friday Promotion. All this week on the run up to Black Friday we´ll be giving away some of the hottest free cannabis seeds from Barneys Farm, Humboldt Seeds, Fastbuds Seeds, Kannabia Seeds and TH Seeds plus some amazing cool gear from Greenhouse Seeds with every order !!

Exclusive Freebies for this week only include:

TH Seeds Sage N Sour

Barneys Farm Blueberry OG

World of Seeds Strawberry Blue

Fastbuds Six Shooter Auto

Humboldt Seeds Blueberry Headband

Original Sensible Black Destroyer

Kannabia Seeds Purple Kush

Plus many many more free seeds to choose from!!!

There are over 30 seeds to choose from at the checkout but hurry as we expect some of the more popular brands to expire quickly! The strains listed above will not be included on any other Black Friday Promotion – Grab them whilst stocks last!

One Greenhouse Seeds gift per order, gifts selected at random from those in the picture.

Offer ends Thursday November 23rd or until stock expires!!!
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