Pre-flower help!


Well-Known Member

you are however looking in the right place! you will also find them on your branches.

when a pre flower forms you will see a small pod ( calyx ) that then releases 2 small white hairs from within it (pistils ) this means female, if the pod develops more pods and no pistils then its male.

it can take anything from 4weeks to 2months of veg time for a plant to pre flower .

or anything up 3weeks of 12/12 sometimes longer.



Active Member
You know the plant looks female... On my girls I never see those long skinny leaf things. Might be the strain your using. I would watch carefully for the signs. Above is correct in signs of female. Anything else in those nodes you need to worry. The hairs will show, watch for balls(signs of hermies)


Active Member
You know the plant looks female... On my girls I never see those long skinny leaf things. Might be the strain your using. I would watch carefully for the signs. Above is correct in signs of female. Anything else in those nodes you need to worry. The hairs will show, watch for balls(signs of hermies)
male and female plants are indistinguishable apart from their flowers. And balls are not a sigh of a hermaphrodite they are a sign of a male. if there are both pistils and balls then youve got a hermie.

"if the pod develops more pods and no pistils then its male."

if the pod developes more pods it was never a calyx.


Active Member
OK so I guess I'll have to wait...:wall:
My plant was in veg for 3 weeks and I swithced to flowering just a day I should be seeing the calyxs and pistils pretty soon. Thank you guys for the help!

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Yea as said it takes atleast 1+ month for a plant to show it's sexual maturity in veg, and the pre-flowers will appear on the 4-6th nodes first.