Pre flower too early _ wrong light cycle


Guys my euphoria show sex female but is damn soon in my opinions n 4 week in veg..
They are photoperiod and because i have to move ve them outdoor i planned to decrease (not yet she is under 12/12) slowly the hours to 9(cos they can have nine house of direct sunlight). I not to early for showing sex?if this means that she's start to flowering it will be a problem cos she is still very small!i have to wait for put her outdoor? My cfl is agro type so for the full cycle..
What have i do?please help!
I think i get all the wrong cicle of light hours for photoperiod and how can switch her to veg again?


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I dont decrease light for outdoors. I've always gone 18-6 from start then wait until daylight hrs are 14 and a half hours. Never any reveg or trouble but lots of guys will say they do decrease hrs indoors
Thanks for your reply
Then when for flowering i have to switch to outdoor (9 hours of direct sunlight in my case).
You think that she can return to veg? because is such a waste to loose her in that way with very poor yeld and bad live cycle
I dont decrease light for outdoors. I've always gone 18-6 from start then wait until daylight hrs are 14 and a half hours. Never any reveg or trouble but lots of guys will say they do decrease hrs indoors
But if outdoor my plants can reiceve only 8 hours of direct sunlight how i have to do?
Day length is what your concerned with. Wait until days are 14.5 hrs long. , check suntables
Even in partial shade the plant can distinguish between shady and night
Ok i understand
Here in italy in june days are 15 hrs long..can i from june moved her to outdoor?sorry if i remake the question is only for a confirm.
And for now how you said,18/6..
Thank you very much now i have understood the importance of day length and not direct sunlight
Yes perfect june 1st is when mine go out in north east u.s
Perfect!can i ask you one last question?i have to acclimate the plant for the process indoor outdoor?frist days maybe in the shades then slowly increase direct sunlight ?
Exactly you should harden them off starting in shade for 15 minutes or so each day increasing the time and easing into direct sun . Do it the week before you plan on keeping them out permanent
Exactly you should harden them off starting in shade for 15 minutes or so each day increasing the time and easing into direct sun . Do it the week before you plan on keeping them out permanent
Perfect thank you very very much for your replies! you took away all doubts... I was doing really badly, so I learned a lot. Grazie! greetings from Italy :)
.now with 18/6 there is a risk of hermaphroditism or slow / deformed growth even if I immediately caught the error and the flowers still in the are not forming?