Pre flower


Well-Known Member
Would you guys say these are in preflower? Super skunk photo.


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So around here they usually don’t flower until late august early September but this year I planted somewhere with an hour or two less sunlight so I’m assuming that’s what’s causing this ? Besides that do they look healthy and any yield estimates ? I’m assuming I need to switch to flowering nutes now.
So around here they usually don’t flower until late august early September but this year I planted somewhere with an hour or two less sunlight so I’m assuming that’s what’s causing this ? Besides that do they look healthy and any yield estimates ? I’m assuming I need to switch to flowering nutes now.
Not sure where you are but in Ontario (south) my plants start to flower around mid aug.
My friend 5 min away his plants (same strains) start begin of aug. Depends if you get early or late sun and how many hours etc. It's been real.cloudy here lately so I'm assuming the plants will.flower earlier
Not sure where you are but in Ontario (south) my plants start to flower around mid aug.
My friend 5 min away his plants (same strains) start begin of aug. Depends if you get early or late sun and how many hours etc. It's been real.cloudy here lately so I'm assuming the plants will.flower earlier
Southern Illinois but like I said last year I had them in a spot that got more light so I’m sure me planting these in spot that doesn’t get as much light has everything to do with the early flowering. Wish I lived in Canada….
Proud to be Canadian!
Well except for genocide and whatnot...
Yeah our politics are fucked up here I’m so tired of it bro. I want out. You guys got free healthcare but taxes are a little higher right ? It costs 500 dollars a visit to go to the er here just for the trip lol. Even with good med insurance like I have.
My outdoor Mango Sapphire is also flowering, but looks like most are close to that flip near Toronto. Taken a couple days ago and has only produced more white pistils

Yeah our politics are fucked up here I’m so tired of it bro. I want out. You guys got free healthcare but taxes are a little higher right ? It costs 500 dollars a visit to go to the er here just for the trip lol. Even with good med insurance like I have.
Yikes. Ya healthcare is good. Taxes are higher and I can't carry my .357 around but it's not too bad :)