Pre-flowering? question and pictures day 45 veg


Active Member
Whats up RIU

Ive been growing these bagseeds out for 45 is today. They were vegged under 150w of CFLS at daylight spectrum. Recently I just picked up a 250w hps off of ebay and ive been using it to grow also. Roughly for the past 10 days the hps has been used out of the 45. I use a solution of B.C Grow, Flora Micro, and occasionally superthrive. i ph the water with GH PH down. My camera couldnt get close enough to show the hairs..but im almost positive its preflower..i drew what it loosk like crudly on the picture in paint..hopefully ill get at least one female..i was under the impression preflowering is more on outdoor plants that are vegging for months at a time..but who knows

by the way..the picture is growth off of the main stem where it means the fan leaf stalk and the new growth between..the hairs are off of where those two stalks meet.

take a look..tell me what you think..thanks


