Pre-Flowering Question, I've got preflowers, but can't tell the sex


New Member
Hi everybody!

I've been a long time lurker on this forum and I created an account because I'm finally serious about growing. I've had a couple of plants growing under a 110W CFL, 6500K, cool daylight. The light cycle I'm using is 24/0. Initially, I was using a tube light, followed by a 30W cfl, but when I switched to the 110W, the plants really started growing. One of the two is really getting big, so I thought I'd switch it over to 12/12 to see if I can induce pre-flowering. I decided to do this by placing the plants out on by balcony where they will only get around 11-12 hours of good sunlight and then stay in the dark throughout the night.

2 days into this routine and I'm beginning to see what looks like a pre-flower, however, I can't tell whether it's male or female. It looks kinda like a little ball, but from all the pictures I've seen online, it is in the location where a female preflower should be. I don't have a decent magnifier, so I resorted to using the macro on my 300mm lens with my DSLR. I also took a shot with my cell phone through a 15x magnifying eyepiece. The shots don't show much detail, but that's because the thing is too damn small. I can't tell if it's a male or female pre-flower, and as this is my first serious grow, I thought I'd ask for better opinions than mine. Pics attached, please help :)

P.S. some important information: The seeds are bagseed, nothing spectacular, where I get them, all the THC sticky goo is scrubbed off the buds and sold separately at an expensive price, so I'm hoping that when it does grow out and has all the trichs, it will be better than the bagweed it came from. I also just started giving them nutes 2 days ago before which they were growing au naturale. They're both 5-6 weeks from seed (I think, maybe even as far as 7). Grow medium: 40% vermicompost, 30% cocopeat & 30% red soil that's very clay-like with a very high iron oxide content (hence the color). Nutes being used: 19:19:19 foliar spray fertilizer, around 3 pinches in 1 liter of water, not all of which is used in one go. A liter lasts around 5 full sprays for both plants over a 2 week period.

pre-flower 1.jpgpre-flower 2.jpg
Thanks for your insights!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You will have to wait it out mate. I've seen little 'balls' like this on plants (lower nodes) only to find white pistils a few days later. The little 'dicks' grew into small little leaves. Waiting it out will only take a week of your time, max.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Let it go a little bit longer. Female preflowers will show w/ the appearance of little white hairs. A male will produce a ball or balls. Once they declare its easy to spot, no need for a microscope