Ya no your plants are not performing at their best start phing your water after mixing your nutes you see a difference.... not being in the proper ph range is gonna fuck up your nutrient uptake ability by the roots
You realise roots can uptake in the pH range 4-8.
Obviously there are ideal ranges for nutrient ions to be uptaken some prefer higher. Some prefer lower etc.
I use coco as my medium, as long as my ph test is around 6 I don't adjust it.
I feed with every watering.
I very rarely exceed 1.6EC and that's at the height of flowering.
Usually I'm between 1.2-1.4EC approx 600-700ppm at .5 cal.
I do taper off my NUTES some what in the later stages of flowering.
Usually seeing me drop my EC down to around 0.8/450ppm in the last 2 weeks.
I generally see a little fade to my leaves.
I use a 2part coco specific base nute, Ca, Mg, PK1314 (in minuscule amounts).
I regularly hit 400g from my 400w setup at harvest time with 4 plants with around 6 weeks veg and training.