pre mixed branded soils


Maybe it's because most bagged 'soil'... isn't fucking soil.

It's sphagnum peat, and\or coco coir with perlite and\or vermiculite and\or pumice... some containing humus and\or compost and\or earthworm castings and\or other organic amendments (rock phosphate, bat guano, bone meal, fish meal, chicken manure, etc). The only bagged potting mix that I know of that even comes CLOSE to being a 'soil' would be Ocean Forest because it actually contains sandy loam (sand, silt, clay). The great majority of 'potting soils' are actually soil-less mixes.


I'd just like to add... it doesn't offend me, personally, when a person goes out and buys a bagged potting mix. I wouldn't consider that person lazy or ignorant or whatever because of it.

However, I would like to see more people at least making an effort to recycle their soil and get into the habit of doing that instead of repeatedly going out to buy and more (throwing the previous grows soil away). This way you'll get the best of both worlds; still based upon a quality pre-configured mix, save some money, get the most out of your amendments and be able to build up the soil and customize it to your liking over time.


Well-Known Member
i agree theres no reason not to,alot of mine ends up in raised beds out side but i always have a cach of soil in totes,

any one growing decent pot cant be called lazy, shur there are people with dialed in systems that work less but it aint ez, shur there are lazy potheads, but no grow worth a damn can be called lazy.


Well-Known Member
its not strange at all, see, people uses perlite for aeration, this is erratic becouse perlite generates this air spots which makes the roots to rotten, i call ir "air spots" and its very bad to the roots.
Also people use perlite to keep the moisture of the soil, this is erratic also, do the test, put watered perlite in a cup and watered vermiculite in another cup, you will see that perlite dries out very very quickly while vermiculite really keeps the moisture in.
Also these are neutral minerals which dont contribute on nutriens, so if you are using it, probably you are wasteing like 30% of your soil in that, you will save some money, but if we want to perfectionate the soil, its useless.
It is much better for aeration and keeping the soil moisture to do a mix of peats (blonde, spanghnum, river undertow) which also provides organic nutrients ;)
when adding a lot of worm castings the acid of the peats gets neutralized. Im sorry for my attitude bro, but its really sad for me that all of you uses absolete soils from the past, unless you wanna cheapen the soil out.

my mix is:
30% worm castings
20% river undertow
20% compost
20% mix of peats
10% vermiculite
You seriously could not be more wrong in just about everything you just said there. "Air spots" are bad for roots? Really? People use perlite to "keep the moisture of the soil"? Really? Perfectionate? What the hell does that mean? And what about absolete? What does that mean?

Also, your recipe is garbage.


Active Member
I'm always trying new recipes. This is something i recently whipped up. First time trying pool filter sand, so bear with me. But here is the basic recipe i'm messing with. It makes something like 40 gallons of soil. You can fertilize with whatever you want. I've been using dolomite lime, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, soft rock phosphate, espoma stuff, greensand. I try to use plant and mineral based fertilizers, but you can fertilize however you desire. It's nice making separate batches for grow and bloom.

1 Bale of Peat 3.0 Cubic Feet $10
1 Block of Coco 1.5-2 Cubic Feet $10
1 Bag of Silica Sand (Pool Filtration Sand) 50LB $ 5
1 Bag of Compost/Humus/Castings 25-30LB $25

Dolomite lime
+dry fertilizer to taste

edit: Also expanded coco with a calcium enriched nutrient solution.


However, I would like to see more people at least making an effort to recycle their soil and get into the habit of doing that instead of repeatedly going out to buy and more (throwing the previous grows soil away). This way you'll get the best of both worlds; still based upon a quality pre-configured mix, save some money, get the most out of your amendments and be able to build up the soil and customize it to your liking over time.
My soil ends up recycled into the veggie garden...and my veggie plants are kicking ass!


Well-Known Member
ahh the classic pretend to know shit,get called on it and run away

so you dont care to comment on how you have no idea what pelite is really used for or the fact you hate verm, but use it in your own mix?

or our your feellings hurt your thread wasint worth the advanced section(like 99.9% of stuff over there, really its crazy how do people think there threads are advance worthy, how to clone,what nutes should i use, i wanna grow 123,304lbs a week but have never grown mj before. shit drives me nuts)


Well-Known Member
OP I have not heard about rice hulls which would be better than either imho. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Epsoma has a nice Organic soil mix...I add shrimp/kelp compost to it and EWC and humic/fulvic compost bloodmeal and bone meal...the Epsoma also contains Myco's has worked for me for 3 years now...have some plants over 13 feet from it