Pre-mixing nutes?


Active Member
Hi there,

I want to pre-mix and pH balance some nutrient/water solution and put it away so that all I have to do is top up when the plants need feeding. Is there any problem with keeping pre-mixed nutrients in a cupboard or in the fridge with the water for a period of time?
Depends on the nutrients an the amount of time you are considering storing them for. The process by which you mix them is very vital also.

What nutes are you currently using and how long do need to store them?


Active Member
Well, I'm using Advanced Nutrients grow A+B formula, and I would be storing for no more than 7 days. I want to mix up a weeks batch ahead of time.
I am unfamiliar with that brand so I have no first and knowledge but I am certain someone here will follow up.

I have premixed and bubbled synthetic as well as organic nutrients for up to 3 days in advance but never for more than that. I suffered no ill consequence from those experiences but I usually opt for straight H20 if I am unavailable to be on-site for more than 5 days.

I also run a low EC compared to most, depending on type of nutrient I am using. I am not to concerned about the quantity of final yield, so I choose to pull less weight with less of a risk.

This is an issue I have been curious about as well, any input from the vets?


Well-Known Member
I use advanced and if your just doing the 2 part you should be ok. If your adding any of the additives I wouldnt suggest it. Its also important to add the nutrients in the correct order. Put in part A first mix it up and put in an equal part of part B. Still I wouldnt keep it more than a week. If you think about it its not much different from a hydro set up other than the O2 mixed in. A reservoir is a reservoir. I would at least mix it up every day.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips guys, It is only just grow A+B, so I think ill just do it every week.

If anything goes wrong I'll let you know :)


Well-Known Member
Try to store it in a cool dark place. I dont think the fridge would be a good place. A cabinet that doesnt get opened much would be better. It is exposure to light that will mess with your pre-mixed stuff.


Try to store it in a cool dark place. I dont think the fridge would be a good place. A cabinet that doesnt get opened much would be better. It is exposure to light that will mess with your pre-mixed stuff.
Yeah, you should be okay with the Sensi A&B, though I'm not sure it's a good idea to pre mixing the nutes all the time.

To me, it seems like something that might cause troubles if you're not storing it well or if things settle in some way.

If you don't have time to mix things, I'd also be worried about how much time you have to watch the grow altogether, you know.

Mixing doesn't take that long, does it?

And ditto on the storing it in a place where the nutes aren't going to break down. It needs to be in a dark area.

Think about how much time you're actually saving by pre mixing. Not sure if it's really worth it, you know.



Misguided Angel
I use Canna nutrients and only my cannazym says not to pre-mix ahead of time. Check your labels if you haven't already, and make sure you store in a dark, cooler place.