Precautionary odor control questions


Active Member
Hello everybody!

I'm going to be starting my first grow soon. It will be a stealth grow in my apartment closet. I was wondering if a growspace 2'x2' x6' with one or two plants, a 150w hps light, and a cage fan will require much odor control? I wasn't even planning on fully sealing the closet. There are no ventilation ducts within my closet either. I was just going to leave the closet cracked on one end with a cheap walmart cage ("muffin") fan blowing at the plants so there would be some fresh air intake/ventilation. Do you think I will require any significant means of odor control?

If so, do you think hanging a few air fresheners and maybe putting some ODA in a bucket in the corner of the closet would handle it? I don't want to deal with ducts and I don't want to buy or make a carbon air scrubber/filter.

So, to summarize: based on my circumstance (2 plants 1 closet), do you think I will need any odor control? and if yes, what is my cheapest option?

Thanks in advance,



bud bootlegger
the size of your closet sounds good, but i think that the most plants that one would be able to squeeze out of a 150 hps would be one.. imho a 250 watter would be the better choice.. i've grown under a 250 for awhile, and could squeeze in three nice sized plants under it..
anyhoo's.. there are some strains that are known to be less odiferous that others.. there is a site called if you go to the site, on the left hand side is a menu, and one of the options is for low odor strains.. click on that and it will take you to another page that has a list of say seven strains that they consider to be low odor.. i've ordered from dope-seeds in the past and was happy with the order..
otherwise, some of that ona block works ok for only one or so plants that aren't stinky.. there is a thread on here called roseman's diy odor control bucket.. i know that you said you didn't want to build anykind of scrubber, but this looks pretty simple to do, and isn't a carbon scrubber.. he just takes a bucket, drills some holes in the bucket, fills it with some water and some ona gel, and places a fan on the top of the bucket.. the fan sucks all of the diry smelly grow room air into the bucket, where it is than forced through the ona / water mix and comes out of the holes smelling clean and fresh.. looks pretty killer and simple to build.. i even remember reading something similar in high times before..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I grew 2 plants in in a closet with (3) 63 watt/300 watt soft white cfls. I got some really nice buds from these lights. I put Panda Film over the bed room window, and made sure the door to the bedroom was closed when light out and it flowered very nicely. And the smell was not bad at all.

plants 009.jpgplants 034.jpgfishing 017.jpg


Well-Known Member
1 plant will probably be ok, but really depends, you need to be careful with strain choice
there are the stinkers, best to be educated on those
but so as long as you have a choice that you are sure of, then the odor should be manageable


Active Member
Wow, thanks for all the helpful/quick replies, guys!

I'm gonna be growing some autoflowering Fast Bud seeds from Sweet Seeds (distributed by Attitude Seedbank). From what I've learned about them, I know that they generally don't grow that tall: slightly over 2' on average. One grower also reviewed them as being 6/10 "smell power"...

Is it logically sound to assume that since they are relatively small plants with short vegetative states, that one bucket with a bit of ONA (I might actually try to use some generic odor neutralizer from Lowes instead) and a cheap fan (as shown in "Roseman's Bucket" set up) would be enough to pull the odors through the bucket and neutralize the smell? Since the holes have to be above the ONA solution in the bucket, the odor isn't technically being pulled through the odor filtering that ok? Will it still do the job for 1 plant? 2 maybe (they're small plants)?

*hopes for the same amount of attention and help as was provided so quickly and concisely before*

Thanks again,



Active Member
You can paint your walls with Titanium Oxide flat white paint. For two reasons. "TO" paint has a reflective quality of 93-95% and it will oxidize most odors. Take care and keep smoking


Active Member
id think even one plant would smell.. sometimes i have an eighth in a medical container and still smells up my whole room...or sometimes i have an oz or less in a mason jar..i open it to take some out and it smells up my whole room and leaks downstairs..also if i dont spray something the smell will just set in for the day...once i picked up a half oz and i was so sick i came home threw up and passed out..woke up and that thing reeked up the house.

but yeah for good odor control,if its possible,you can make a fake door with panda film and an attatchable zipper from home depot..use a staple gun to attatch to the wall and gorrilla tape to seal it cautious with gorrilla tape..when u take it off it might take off some of the wall materials.

also gorrilla tape the vent on the ceilling

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I bet you will no-t need anything to mask the odor. Just keep the door closed. it is not like you are growing 1,000 super skunks or something.


Active Member
It doesn't have to be stealth visually. I have a single in an apartment with 3 other guys. They're all buddies and are fine with me growing. Only concern is for odor to be leaking out of my apartment...

One major hitch is that my a loft. that means there is NO DOOR that I can close off to the rest of the apartment. My room is accessible by stairs from the livingroom. That being said, should I just do my best to seal off the closet with towels and whatnot? Would the lack of fresh air into the grow closet during the day affect the plants negatively if I open the closet for a few minutes every night or so (to check/feed/water) to provide fresh air?

Also, if I do need odor control (which i'll decide around when the plants start flowering and smelling stronger), should I leave my odor control bucket inside the sealed closet with the plants or just outside of the closet? I'm thinking outside so that it can catch only the odor that manages to leak out of my relatively sealed closet?

Thanks alot,



Well-Known Member
a 6/10 for smell should be a concern, that's not low odor
it sounds like you have good distance between the grow and front door, that will help quite a bit
but this strain sounds like an odor risk, begin testing some odor control
use something smelly as your 'test plant', then add odor control and sniff away

smoke n strum

Active Member
FWIW, I am on my first indoor grow and i bought a 170 cfm centrifugal fan and a 4"x12" air scrubber filter. I grow in a 2'x4'x5' tent with a 400HID super sun air cooled light. The filter is in the tent, and i draw air into the filter, then through the light, then into the fan and out of the top of the tent. Everything from the filter to the outlet of the tent is air tight. I have 4 plants, that are 5 weeks from seed and you can definitely smell weed outside of the room the tent is in now. I thought it wood be like spring air, but i have a smell problem now and i need to find out how to fix it. The fan I have is plenty big enough, It' a filter from htg supply. any advice is much appreciated. sns


all mj plants smell... even in veg they smell of "fresh mj". You better go with cfls or a 150 if you plan on doing this without ducting. Problem with closets is the air just sits in there and goes doesnt matter how many plants you grow. If your worried about smell get either an ozonator or on ebay they have scrubbers that just hang by themselves and pull air through the carbon...personally i have 2 big ass can fans/scrubbers and no one can smell shit.


FWIW, I am on my first indoor grow and i bought a 170 cfm centrifugal fan and a 4"x12" air scrubber filter. I grow in a 2'x4'x5' tent with a 400HID super sun air cooled light. The filter is in the tent, and i draw air into the filter, then through the light, then into the fan and out of the top of the tent. Everything from the filter to the outlet of the tent is air tight. I have 4 plants, that are 5 weeks from seed and you can definitely smell weed outside of the room the tent is in now. I thought it wood be like spring air, but i have a smell problem now and i need to find out how to fix it. The fan I have is plenty big enough, It' a filter from htg supply. any advice is much appreciated. sns
htg supply friggin sucks. try and duct tape the crap out of all your connections and look for leaks.