Predatory Mites - Phytoseiulus - to eat spider mites, any one tried this


Well-Known Member
I have just ordered 200 of these little buggers, which will apparently happily out breed the mites and eat their way through 2 plants worth of mild infestation. (which is what I have). I'm late flower and have tried most things.... and please please please for gods sake do not mention NO PEST STRIPS here...refer to my other thread:

I'm looking for a long term natural solution, and hoping that someone is gonna tell me that they have tried these buggs, and they are the shit


Well-Known Member
Not that anybody seems the slightest bit interested, but I just released 200 predator mites on 2 plants. I had just given the plant a good spray off and recon that they are only outnumbered 3-1 at the moment...which shouldn't be a problem as they eat up to 7 adult, or 20 spider mite eggs daily.

I will update in a week or so, just in case at some point in the future, someone finds this helpful.


Active Member
Not that anybody seems the slightest bit interested, but I just released 200 predator mites on 2 plants. I had just given the plant a good spray off and recon that they are only outnumbered 3-1 at the moment...which shouldn't be a problem as they eat up to 7 adult, or 20 spider mite eggs daily.

I will update in a week or so, just in case at some point in the future, someone finds this helpful.
Can you tell us your source for these predators?
General area (East Coast, West Coast, etc.) as I would think you would not want to ship these across the country?
And of course your satisfaction with the results.


Well-Known Member
The video is cool.

i do not care to watch wild animals catch their prey
but I'll bring the pop corn to watch a spider mite get fucked up.:fire:


Well-Known Member
The video is cool.

i do not care to watch wild animals catch their prey
but I'll bring the pop corn to watch a spider mite get fucked up.:fire:
Recognise!!! My beliefs are somewhat between that of a Hippy, and a Buddhist, and when it comes to any living creature, it's live and let live. My wife is banned from any nature doc's on TV, and things like "Homeward Bound" or "bambi" are a definite no no!! I'm not even exadgerating... when digging in the garden, I will stop to move earth worms, or let spiders scurry off.

However, when it comes to parasites: Gnats, Mossie's, Spider Mites etc, It's open season!!! In fact, after battling with these sons-a-bitches for almost the entire year that have been growing, I was a little disappointed not to see it get ripped to shreds. The fact that the spider mites will slowly have their lives sucked out of them whilst still alive, in what must be a pretty distressing final few minutes on this earth, is somewhat comforting. :fire:

Do a google search for Photyseliues (check the correct spelling first lol), to find your best supplier, but as starters:


As for results, well I dunked the plants in water just prior to the benificial mites arrival, to minimise numbers. I have yet to see any conflict, but I work too much to spend a lot of time looking at my plants, but did see the predator mites go marching around my ladies on the hunt. I don't know how well this would work for spider mite break outs on big grows, but with my 2 small plants, I'm confident that they'll get the job done.... and as for videos of it, sorry I don't have a camera :(

What I like most about this idea, is once the plants have been cleared, if any mites or eggs have gotten stuck in my carpet, or on feed bottles, or watering cans etc, as soon as they make it into the tent, they'll be dog meat!!

Even if I have a full mite clear winter, I will buying some more of these early spring as a precaution!!

Thank you for your posts, I will honour them with updates