preflowering on 12/12 need help sexing! Pics


Well-Known Member
Alright sorry for the poor quality I think its a female but i'm not 100% sure. Just wondering if anyone with more experience can tell. It's only been on 12/12 for 4 days but it was vegging for a while and reached sexual maturity for sure. Thanks for any help!



New Member
I cant find any of my female pics but here is a male when it first starts to show sex....if you see this....its a boy.... hope this helps....the female will have 2 white hairs growing out horizontally....good luck...


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:found it. Alot of it. :mrgreen: Thanks for the help i'll post pictures of the buds as they grow on her. Its bagseed so we'll see what it turns out to be. Its definitely a female though I finally saw what ive been looking for! I'm gonna go smoke to celebrate! lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
like i said in previous posts ive had it on 12/12 for 4 days but I vegged the plants for about 7 weeks so they maxed out on growing before adolescense. They reached maturity and i started sexing them. that makes them show a little earlier.