prenuted soil from start


has anyone grown seedlings in pre-nuted soil from start before.
just that i germinated my seeds and planted them in nuted soil without knowing it was nuted ofc.
and they seem to be geting slight nute burn.
just wondering if they gona make it through so if youve done this before please comment.

5th day seedling.:leaf:


has anyone grown seedlings in pre-nuted soil from start before.
just that i germinated my seeds and planted them in nuted soil without knowing it was nuted ofc.
and they seem to be geting slight nute burn.
just wondering if they gona make it through so if youve done this before please comment.

5th day seedling.:leaf:
I have 3 seedlings growing strong in pre-nuted Miracle Grow (planted b4 I heard about fox farms soil). They have slight nute burn but nothing serious, they're groing good none-the-less. Also I didnt even germinate them, we just poked a hole in the soil, dropped em' in there, gave em' some H2o, and let nature take it's course. They're just a hair over 2 weeks old since we planted them that way, and doin good (cant wait to see what they look like today, but their day cycle dont start for about another hour). We plan to transplant them into fox farms ocean forrest when they get a bit bigger. If your soil's like mine then it releases the nutes every time you water, so you'll want to water a bit less frequently than usual. I water my MG soil seedlings every other day (sometimes every two days) and it seems to be fine.


im useing b&q's sowing and potting compost, it says on the back it has enough nutes to last for 8weeks.
so im a bit worried the soil maybe to rich for the seedlings.
i dont think it releases the nutes every time i water but not sure.
i guess all i can do cross my fingers
thats for the reply dude +rep


Active Member
I try to stay away from compost potting mix's. I've not had a good experience with anything like that.
If your looking for good soil get some fox farm ocean forest. Even if you don't buy
the whole line of nutes your off to a rollicking good start with the soil.